Living & Nonliving Main Menu Credits
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Question 1 Is this living or nonliving? Living Nonliving Bear Help
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Question 2 Is this living or nonliving? Water
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Question 3 Is this living or nonliving? Pencil
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Question 4 Is this living or nonliving? Octopus
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Question 5 Is this living or nonliving? Rose
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Question 6 Is this living or nonliving? Spider
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Question 7 Is this living or nonliving? Snail
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Living Plant Animal Basic Needs
Basic Needs of… Plant Animal
Basic needs of Plants Living Menu Air: Carbon Dioxide Water: Roots Food: Roots- get nutrients Sunlight: gives energy Shelter: Forests, swamps, garden… Living Menu
Basic needs of Animals Living Menu Air: Breathing- Oxygen Water: Drink Food: Eat Sunlight Shelter: house, cave, forest… Living Menu
Plants Examples Tree Flower Mushroom Cactus
Trees Plants Big Branches need a lot of space Shelter: Forest Examples: Oak Pine Cedar Plants
Flowers Rose have thorns for protection Water lily: shelter is on top of water Rose Tulip Water lily
Weeds Dandelions: Spread seeds by the wind Grassy Weeds: spreads very fast
Cactus Store water Can resist heat In dry and hot areas Thorns to keep away animals who might eat it
Mushroom Found in wet areas Can live out of the sunlight Some can be eaten but some cannot
Animals Examples Worm Dog Butterfly Fish Humans
Worm Animals Live underground Skin= Slimy &moist They have no legs, feet, noses, eyes, lungs or ears. Food: leaves Animals
Dog Shelter: dog house Food: bones & dog food Fur keeps them warm
Butterfly Insect Can fly Food: gets nectar from flowers with its long tongue Many different kinds tongue
Fish Breath using gills Shelter: Water Examples: Shark Whale Starfish Clownfish
Human Shelter: home We are mammals We eat to gain energy
Nonliving Apple Snowman Car Book Sun Nonliving Checklist
Nonliving Checklist Main Menu Nonliving Doesn’t need air? Doesn’t need food? Doesn’t need water? Doesn’t need a shelter? Sunlight isn’t needed? In order to be living it has to need air, food, water, sunlight and a specific habitat… if it doesn’t need ALL of these things it is nonliving!!! Main Menu Nonliving
Checklist Back Needs air? Needs water? Needs food? Needs shelter? Needs sunlight? Back Question 1
Checklist Needs air? Needs water? Needs food? Needs shelter? Needs sunlight? Question 2
Checklist Needs air? Needs water? Needs food? Needs shelter? Needs sunlight? Question 3
Checklist Needs air? Needs water? Needs food? Needs shelter? Needs sunlight? Question 4
Checklist Needs air? Needs water? Needs food? Needs shelter? Needs sunlight? Question 5
Checklist Needs air? Needs water? Needs food? Needs shelter? Needs sunlight? Question 6
Checklist Needs air? Needs water? Needs food? Needs shelter? Needs sunlight? Question 7
Credits TEKS: §112.11. Science, Kindergarten b 9A (Organisms and environments): The student knows that plants and animals have basic needs and depend on the living and nonliving things around them for survival. The student is expected to differentiate between living and nonliving things based upon whether they have basic needs and produce offspring. Link: Flower pic: Flower pic 2: Tree pic: Fish Pic: Octopus pic: Basic need of all living things: Photosynthesis: Oak tree: Worms: Weed pic: Worm Pic: Title Page