The Inner Planets of Our Solar System Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Why are they called the Inner planets? They are closer together and closer to the sun
Mercury Closest planet to our sun Smallest planet in the solar system Fastest orbiting planet Caloris Basin is the largest impact crater in the solar system 70% metallic components Large core
Mercury’s Core Compared to Earth’s
Mercury- Fast Facts Surface temperature range: −183°C to 427°C That’s −297°F to 801°F! 1,864 miles in diameter Rotates counter clockwise in 59 Earth days Revolves in 88 Earth days Zero moons 0.387 AU (average distance from the sun) Virtually no atmosphere Leads to a large amount of impact craters
Mercury Impact craters of Mercury
Venus Second planet to the sun Hottest planet in the solar system Has the densest atmosphere in the solar system Often called “Earth’s twin” because they are similar in size, gravity, and bulk composition Large numbers of volcanoes Low number of impact craters
Phases of Venus
Venus- Fast Facts Surface temperature range: 450°C to 480°C 4,474 miles in diameter Rotates in 243 Earth days Rotates clockwise (Retrograde) most planets rotate counterclockwise (Prograde) when viewed from the North Pole Revolves in 225 Earth days Zero moons 0.723 AU (average distance from the sun) Atmosphere: mostly Carbon Dioxide Very thick greenhouse gas Keeps planet extremely warm
Venus Earth next to Venus- congratulations! It’s twins!
Earth- Fast Facts Surface temperature range: -89°C to 57.7°C 4,971 miles in diameter Rotates in 1 Earth day Rotates counter clockwise Revolves in 365.3 Earth days One moon (“Earth’s moon”) 1 AU (average distance from the sun) Atmosphere: mostly Nitrogen
Mars Fourth planet from the sun Called the “red planet” Caused by the iron oxide on the surface Has volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps No liquid water has been found Largest volcano in the solar system called “Olympus Mons”
Olympus Mons
Mars- Fast Facts Surface temperature range: -87°C to -5°C 2,609 miles in diameter Rotates in 24 hours and 37 minutes (Earth time) Rotates counter clockwise Revolves in 687 Earth days Two moons (Phobos and Deimos) 1.52 AU (average distance from the sun) Atmosphere: mostly Carbon Dioxide Thin layer
Mars Look at the impact craters and thin atmosphere