Muncy School District November 9, 2015


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Presentation transcript:

Muncy School District November 9, 2015 2015 Assessment Report Muncy School District November 9, 2015 Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

2015 Assessment Report Muncy School District Part I – State Assessments PSSA – Results and Growth Strategies Keystone Examinations – Results and Growth Strategies PVAAS – Definition, Results, and Growth Strategies SPP – 2015 Status   Part II – National Assessments Scholastic Aptitude Test – Results and Growth Strategies Stanford 10 – Results Part III – District Response Review of Teacher Data Walks District-Wide Assessment Plan Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Part I State Assessments PSSA – Results and Growth Strategies Keystone Examinations – Results and Growth Strategies PVAAS – Definition, Results, and Growth Strategies SPP – 2015 Status Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) New Test SPP? Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Historical PSSA Data 2002 - 2014 by Graduating Class Grade 3 Mathematics Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019 Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 C lass of 2023 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 87.8% 88.7% 83.4% 87.0% 84.0% 84.2% 78.8% 81.9% 81.3 82.61% Reading   64.7% 73.4% 75.0% 85.7% 70.7% 69.7% 71.2% 65.3% 73.6 Grade 4 89.3% 85.8% 76.1% 81.3% 75.4% 86.1% 84.4% 0.905 85.56% 71.4% 67.6% 65.7% 70.2% 73.6% 70.3% 75.7 81.11% Science 83.3% 92.5% 92.2% 93.0% 90.6% 93.2 94.44% Grade 5 Class of 2009 Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013 2002 2003 2004 68.3% 76.8% 82.5% 78.5% 84.1% 88.4% 89.5% 86.3% 83.9 85.53% 67.1% 77.6% 68.1% 74.4% 59.5% 63.8% 75 69.9 79 68.42% Writing 84.7% 85.3 91.8 88.3 88.16% Grade 6 80.6% 83.0% 80.9% 94.2% 71.8% 77.5 77.42% 84.8% 74.7% 76.2% 56.6% 78.0% 88.3% 65.4% 70.4 67.74% Grade 7 79.8% 88.1% 83.5% 85.2% 82.6 69.44% 81 73.8% 83.6% 76.3% 72.6% 64.5% 77.7% 87.2% 68.4 70.83% Grade 8 Class of 2006 Class of 2007 Class of 2008 56.3% 59.8% 53.4% 67.7% 73.0% 78.1% 79.4% 63.2% 63.3% 70.1% 66.2% 85.2 66.3% 77.3% 69.9% 70.4% 83.9% 85.3% 80.3% 77.8% 71.3% 78.4% 84 81.58% 73.5% 51.3% 56.0% 53.8% 64.9% 74.1 72.37% Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

PSSA Growth Strategies Implemented Common Curriculum-Based Grade-level Assessments (ELA and Mathematics) Text-Dependent Analysis Activities (ELA K-8) Team Data Walks Administrator Guided Teacher Data Walks SuccessMaker (K-8 ELA and Math) Extended Mathematics Periods PVAAS training Proposed or in Process Increased Use of Information from Data Walks to Guide and Differentiate Instruction Increased Student Engagement at the Higher Levels of the Depth of Knowledge Scale Align Science Curriculum to Keystone Assessments Purchase New Science Materials/Texts District-wide Grade-level /Department Growth Plans

Keystone Examinations – Algebra I Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Keystone Examinations – Biology Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Keystone Examinations – Literature Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Keystone Exam Growth Strategies Implemented Accountability to Content (Algebra I) Course Paths (Algebra 1) Alignment to Common Core Standards (ELA and Mathematics) Creation of Common Assessments Aligned to Keystone Content (Algebra I) Text-Dependent Analysis Activities (Literature) Departmental Data Walks Administrator Guided Teacher Data Walks Changed Graduation Requirements (Removed Alg II and Grade 9 Biology) Study Island for Keystone Exams PVAAS training Proposed or in Process Align Science Curriculum to Biology Keystone Assessment Purchase New Science Texts and Materials Increase the Use of Information from Data Walks to Guide and Differentiate Instruction Consider Changing the Year of Biology is Offered (most common in PA is grade 10) Plan for Remediating / Retesting STEAM and Engineering Design Process Curricular Activities (Related Arts/Humanities supporting Content Exams) Grade level / Department Growth Plans

Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System WHAT IS PVAAS? PDE > K-12 > Assessment and Accountability > PVAAS Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System WHAT IS PVAAS? A statistical analysis of PSSA assessment data Provides districts with progress data Provides educators information to ensure the academic needs of groups of students AND individual students are met To help understand PVAAS analysis, think of academic growth in terms of a child’s physical growth, and the growth charts utilized by a child’s physician.  Growth charts are an important tool for monitoring a child’s development, but they are just one of the indicators used by the physician to ensure a child is growing at the minimum expected level and on the trajectory to grow as expected.  A physician would not use a growth chart in isolation to diagnose a child; however, the growth chart would provide valuable information that may warrant further exploration. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACHIEVEMENT AND GROWTH DATA? Achievement Measures a student’s performance at one single point in time Highly correlated with a student’s demographics Compares student performance to a standard Critical to a student’s post-secondary opportunities Growth Measures a student’s growth across time; i.e., across years Not related to a student’s demographics Compares student performance to his/her own prior performance Critical to ensuring a student’s future academic success By measuring students’ academic achievement AND growth, schools and districts have a more comprehensive picture of their own effectiveness in raising student achievement Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Value-Added Performance by Subject 2015 Value-Added Performance by Subject Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System (PVAAS) Legend Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

PVAAS Growth Strategies Implemented PVAAS Training for Jr-Sr High Departments and Elementary School Grade-level Teams Grouping Differentiated Instruction Proposed or in Process Increased Student Engagement at Higher Levels on the Depth of Knowledge Scale Emphasis on Essential Elements of Instruction Additional Differentiation Strategies

SPP Academic Achievement Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

SPP Academic Growth Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Academic Achievement Calculations SPP Academic Achievement Calculations Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Academic Growth Calculations SPP Academic Growth Calculations Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Scholastic Aptitude Test – Results and Growth Strategies Part II National Assessments Scholastic Aptitude Test – Results and Growth Strategies Stanford 10 – Results Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Stanford 10 - Total Reading Percent of Students Scoring At or Above the 50th Percentile Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Stanford 10 - Mathematics Percent of Students Scoring At or Above the 50th Percentile Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) – Critical Reading Mean Scores Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) – Mathematics Mean Scores Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) – Writing Mean Scores Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

SAT Growth Strategies Proposed or in Process Implemented Common Assessments for Algebra Courses aligned to 2016 SAT Text-Dependent Analysis Activities K-8 Instructional Activities in SAT Prep Course Aligned to Rigor of 2016 SAT SAT Prep Course Proposed or in Process Common Assessments for ELA Grades 6-12 aligned to 2016 SAT Common Assessments for Grades 5-7 Mathematics aligned to 2016 SAT STEAM - Professional Development for Related Arts and Humanities to support integrated writing on 2016 SAT Increased Student Engagement at Higher Levels on the Depth of Knowledge Scale

Review of Teacher Data Walks District-Wide Assessment Plan Part III District Response Review of Teacher Data Walks District-Wide Assessment Plan Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Data Walks to a District-Wide Assessment Plan Data Walks to Identify Utilization of Assessments by the teacher by grade-level teams by departments by buildings by administrators how were most used? Creation of District-Wide Assessment Plan PSSA CDT DIBELS Curriculum-Based Keystone Exams Stanford 10 Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton

Questions ? Assessment information gathered and compiled by Kimberly Hamilton