Influencing government policies 5 March 2014 Jeremy Porteus Director Housing LIN
“We are woefully underprepared for an ageing society….” Ready for Ageing? “We are woefully underprepared for an ageing society….” Select Committee on Public Service and Demographic Change, Lord Filkin (2013)
Traditional means of influencing Ballot box eg general elections, bi-elections, referenda etc Lobbying your MP eg meetings, visits, surgeries, letters etc Responding to consultations eg Green Papers, White Papers, Task Force or other stakeholder engagement exercises etc Debate in House of Commons or House of Lords, All Party Party Parliamentary Groups, Select Committee Public speaking eg local events and conferences National and local press
Collective mobilisation Representations via organised body eg charity, trade or professional body Representations via special interest group eg local community, faith or action group Petitions Canvassing on streets Demonstrations and public show of support Civil disobedience However, increasing use of social media eg internet, facebook, twitter
Examples of collective mobilisation Flooding of Somerset Levels Protest of fuel levy Poll tax State pension Welfare reform In future, and increasing ‘grey’ vote
Examples of housing and care issues Closure of a day centre or popular care home, especially if named after a local dignitary Reduction in service provision or perceived quality Objection to a new housing development Rising fuel and energy costs ‘Privatisation’ of the NHS
Examples of positive action Asset Based Community Development eg empowering local community to work together, use community skills, resources = ‘community builders’ Coproduction eg mutual and/or shared care Volunteering and ‘good neighbour’ Cohousing and living with like-minded neighbours or community
Putting housing for older people on the map Government policy has been ‘silent’ over last 6-7 years Housing & Ageing Alliance Older People’s champions group in every region Local voluntary organisation eg Age UK, pensioners’ voice Local residents’ associations Local statutory committees eg planning, health and wellbeing, transport
Next election results Conservative government Labour government ConDem coalition LibLab coalition Con/Ukip coalition How many will take issues facing an ageing society seriously? Key issues could be the NHS, Paying for Long Term Care, Interest rates, pensions and savings, other?
3 questions for table-top discussions Who are the key people you need to influence in the SW? What are the burning housing and/or care issues for you? How can you make it happen?