Crusades and Culture in the Middle Ages Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Medieval Christianity By: Laura Garcia Class of 2018
Social Families would find husbands for their daughters, but many chose to go to convents to live a religious life for the following reasons. Couldn't find a husband Didn't want to marry Was a widow The social classes of the Church 1.Pope 2.Cardinals 3.Archbishops 4. Bishops 5. Parish Priest/ Clergy 6.The People
Political Germany The Catholic Church Monarchy King used to be able to appoint high-ranking clerics as their vassals to use them as administrators until the Concordat of worms came around. The Catholic Church The Church had great power during the Papacy of Pope In Interdicts was used to forbid priests from giving the sacraments to a particular group of people. To exert pressure against their rulers. People depended on the clergy to achieve salvation because only they could administer the sacraments There were many religious orders such as the Dominicans.
Interaction between humans and the environment The use of relics was deemed that relics could heal people or produce miracles. The Black Death was a huge disease during this times. During the Medieval technology, there was many technological advances. Gunpowder Windmills Spectacles Gothic architecture Medieval castles
Cultural Religion was Catholicism Architecture Literature Jesus is the Son of God; The Bible is the inspired, error-free, and revealed word of God. Architecture Gothic architecture Romanesque churches Literature Chanson de geste/ heroic epic Troubadour Poetry
Economic Cistercians spent more time on manual labor. Manual labor gained by spending fewer hours at religious services.