LINN Kazoo Possible improvements in ergonomy Context: Computer Kazoo – Asset UPnP Most comments valid for other configurations too First revision – 20/06/2016
Basic controls – No stop – pause – play discrete buttons although there is plenty of space available. The three buttons logic gives you easy replay function (« Play » by LINN) and Stop functions. The play/pause can’t do that. Unnecessarily long line – Very basic information MyMusic – Playlists – Radio and then the streaming services… Volume feedback but no direct control – multiple clicks needed to vary or simply mute volume although there is plenty of space available No playlist access on root menu
LINN Kazoo Keyboard controls - Basic rules : Keyboard goes faster than clicks. Mouse : 1 click is good, two is a maximum.
Works only on first letter, a. e Works only on first letter, a.e., we can’t type in « mid » to get on Midnight sugar album and then hit « Enter » key to open it. The mouse usage is thus far...slower. Sometimes we do not even get the alphabet listed, why ?
Play/Pause (Re)play Stop 10s R/F Prev/Next &/Or Mouse roll on pop-up
More info is welcome: Composer/Conductor/Year/Track duration is VERY welcome With three clicks we get more track by track info but still no track duration. EMPTY space with hidden track/album controls -> Why hidden ? To place a track « next » we need three clicks. More clicks is never ergonomic Sometimes we need to see more to choose or not a track. We would like to click on the image to see more but we can’t get a pop-up of it in high-def without playing it. It would be very interresting to get a pop-up of the cover without playing it. Just a click on the cover would be good.
VERY ANNOYING Playlist cannot be maintained opened (Anchored) Therefore to change the volume it requests more clicks, ergonomy is very low there. Keyboard controls will help here. Matter of convenience (Tablets): I would have placed it on left side because of right handed people hiding playlists content when searching in library. We can’t add a file from HDD by drag and drog like we used to do with Kinsky
Click on « Save » to save a playlist but click on another , smaller « Save » button to actually save it. If you reclick on the original « Save » you haven’t saved anything and no message tells you that nothing has been stored. Can be frustrating ;-) VERY ANNOYING Playlist cannot be maintained opened (Anchored) Therefore to change the volume it requests more clicks, ergonomy is very low there. Keyboard controls will help here. Matter of convenience: I would have placed it on left side because of right handed people. We can’t add a file by drag and drog like we used to do with Kinsky
Who is the composer , the director, the orchestra, the soloist Who is the composer , the director, the orchestra, the soloist? Which year, genre ? And all those informations stored in tracks ? Kazoo shows the « Album artist » tag instead of « Track artist » tag which is problematic on compilation albums Basic control – No stop – pause – play (Very useful) discrete buttons although there is plenty of space available. The three buttons logic gives you easy replay function (« Play ») and Stop function. The play/pause can’t do that. Volume feedback but no direct control – multiple clicks needed to vary or simply mute volume. Keyboard shortcuts may help a lot here.
LINN Kazoo Thanks for reading