Determine Performance Through WebEIS and Rank Order Units DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM Quality Assessment Process – Step 1 Determine Performance Through WebEIS and Rank Order Units Use WebEIS to determine who the poor performers are through the following metrics: Office Effectiveness Street Effectiveness Workload Effectiveness Office Productivity Street Productivity Total Productivity Use WebEIS to determine who the poor performers are through the following metrics: 1) Office Effectiveness - comparison of actual office hours to projected office hours (reported as percentage) 2) Street Effectiveness - comparison of actual street hours to projected street hours (reported as percentage) 3) Workload Effectiveness - comparison of actual total hours to projected total hours (reported as percentage) 4) Office Productivity - ratio of cased letters and cased flats to actual LDC 21 hours 5) Street Productivity - ratio of cased letters, cased flats, and DPS letters to actual LDC 22 hours 6) Total Productivity - ratio of cased letters, cased flats and DPS letters to actual LDC 21 and LDC 22 hours
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM OPEN Microsoft Internet Explorer (this is recommended for WebEIS). In the address block TYPE: This opens to the WebEIS homepage. (Check for any scrolling messages on the state of the system.) CLICK Corporate (All) listed under WebEIS on the left toolbar to invoke the WebEIS search and display engine. Answer Yes to question regarding downloading temporary files. CLICK the Options button. SELECT Use Execute Button. CLICK the Download button on the WebEIS toolbar (next to the Dashboard button). CLICK on the DOIS (R) Folder to open it. CLICK on each of the subfolders to open them. CLICK on the Office Effectiveness Indicator Press CTRL+CLICK the following indicators in this order: Street Effectiveness, Workload Effectiveness, Cased Letters Volume, Cased Flats Volume, DPS Volume, LDC 21 Actual Hours, LDC 22 Actual Hours, Overtime, and Caseable to Base. Select Parameters across the top of the window. CLICK AP. Deselect All in the AP/FY frame (Right CLICK in the frame, CLICK Deselect All, CLICK Close). SELECT the most current AP ## SELECT Facility Ranking (under the District branch). SELECT Area, District, and ensure all Facilities are selected. **If not, RIGHT CLICK and CLICK Select All Button. CLICK the Execute Button
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM A chart will be displayed. Assure the Facility box is sorted alphabetically ascending (arrow pointing down). Assure Excel 97 is selected in dropdown box. CLICK the Download button.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM A new Explorer window appears with the data in MS Excel format. DELETE Area and District Column.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM COPY All the Data in this worksheet except the header row from the Explorer window.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM PASTE cells into the QA Template, Raw Data Worksheet.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM COPY the Facilities from the Raw Data Worksheet. PASTE the list into each column labeled “Facility”.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM Next, COPY each of the effectiveness and productivity metrics (OE, SE, WE, OP, SP, and TP) from the RawData worksheet. PASTE SPECIAL - Values into the column after the facility name (e.g. OE pasted into Column B, SE pasted into Column E, WE pasted into Column H, OP pasted into Column K, SP pasted into Column N, and TP pasted into Column Q) in the QA worksheet.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM In this slide you will see all the Performance Measurement Metrics pasted into the QA Worksheet.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM SELECT the two columns associated with each metric (Facility and Metric (i.e. OE)). CLICK Data. SELECT Sort.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM Sort by metric (i.e. OE) using the dropbox. CLICK the radio button next to Descending. Assure the radio button next to the Header Row is selected. CLICK OK. The two columns should now be sorted by Office Effectiveness. REPEAT this process for each set of two columns associated with a metric.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM Assign the rankings to the facilities. In column C. Type “Ranking” into the header row (row 1) Next type “1, 2, 3” into each corresponding row (row 2, 3, 4) of Column C. SELECT those 3 numbers by highlighting them. CLICK the black box in the corner of the selected area and drag to the bottom of the list. This will populate the column with rankings from 1 to N (N=number of facilities). Verify the rankings are correct. The highest metric value will receive the ranking of 1. REPEAT these steps for each metric.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM SELECT the three columns associated with a metric (Facility, Metric, Ranking). CLICK Data. CLICK Sort.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM Sort by Facilities using the drop down box. SELECT the Ascending radio button. Assure the radio button next to the Header Row is selected. CLICK OK.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM This will sort the rows by facility. See above. REPEAT this procedure with each set of three columns associated with a metric.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM In Column T the Total Ranking Score will now be calculated using the formula C2+F2+I2+L2+O2+R2. This will sum the rank scores for each metric. Verify the Total Ranking Score is correct.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM COPY and PASTE COPY and PASTE SPECIAL – Values the Total Ranking Score Column, OE, SE, and WE from the QA worksheet. Pasting as values allows you to sort by this score. COPY Caseable to Base and OT% columns from the Raw Data worksheet. PASTE SPECIAL – Values into the QA worksheet in the CVB and OT% columns. ** All of these must be numeric values. PASTE SPECIAL – Values eliminates the formulas.
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM Highlight the seven columns (Facility, Total Ranking Score, OE, SE, WE, OT% and CVB). CLICK Data. SELECT Sort. Sort by Total Ranking Score, selecting the radio button next to descending. One now has the worst performing sites in this sample (highest total ranking score).
DELIVERY OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM In this section copy and paste the Facility Name, Total Ranking Score, OE, SE, WE, OT%, and Caseable to Base for the delivery units you selected. Continue with Step 2 of the Quality Assessment Process.