European Trading Networks Why is the Commercial Revolution based in cities and towns?
Significance of Crusades: Economic Expansion $$$ Plunder and looting of Holy Land Building of fleets to carry Crusaders and then trade Enrichment of merchant class – through carrying Crusaders and trade rights with Islamic World Control of Mediterranean Sea trade Development of a money economy for trade – undermines manorialism, serfdom, feudalism
Commercial Revolution in Europe From Feudalism: To Capitalism: Commodities Money Money Commodities
What’s different about city life What’s different about city life? How do cities threaten feudalism and manorial life? Based on trade and commerce – money economy New social classes and organization – merchants, artisans; serfs gain freedom Guilds – economic and social organizations of equals Alliances with kings – a right to private liberties; city charters allow cities right to tax, make law More culture and intellectual development – literacy, universities; a challenge to the Church’s control of intellectual life