The Adolescent With a Major Illness Chapter 25
Integumentary Disorders: Acne Vulgaris Most common health problem of adolescence Clinical manifestations: characterized by the appearance of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), papules, and pustules on the face, back, and chest Various causes Treatment and nursing care
Facial Acne in an Adolescent
Genitourinary Disorders Menstrual disorders Premenstrual syndrome Dysmenorrhea Amenorrhea Vaginitis: inflammation of the vagina
Ovarian Cycle
Communicable Diseases: Sexually Transmitted Infections Gonorrhea Chlamydial infection Genital herpes Syphilis Clinical manifestations Treatment Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Nursing Process for the Child With AIDS Assessment Nursing diagnoses Outcome identification and planning
Nursing Process for the Child With AIDS (cont.) Implementation Preventing infection Preventing infection transmission Promoting skin integrity Promoting comfort Improving nutrition Easing social isolation and hopelessness Promoting family coping
Nursing Process for the Child With AIDS (cont.) Evaluation: goals and expected outcomes
Infectious Mononucleosis Clinical manifestations Diagnosis Treatment and nursing care
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Clinical manifestations Diagnosis Treatment Prevention
Psychosocial Disorders Adolescent pregnancy Adolescent fatherhood Anorexia Bulimia Obesity Substance abuse Suicide
Nursing Process for the Child With Psychosocial Disorders Assessment Nursing diagnoses Outcome identification and planning Implementation Evaluation