Perfect Passive System How to form it: The 4th principal part (perfect passive participle) + a form of the verb ‘to be’ How to translate it: Perfect: was ___ed, have been ____ed Pluperfect: had been ___ed Future Perfect: shall/will have been ___ed
Perfect Passive 4th principal part + present of ‘sum’ Liberatus, a, um Sum I have been freed Liberati, ae, a Sumus We have been freed Liberatus, a, um Es You have been freed Liberatus, a, um Estis You all have been freed Liberatus, a, um Est S/he/it has been freed Liberatus, a, um Sunt They have been freed
Things to know: The participle declines to match the subject Satura a poeta recitata est. A satire has been recited by the poet. Saturae a pueris recitatae sunt. Satires have been recited by the boys. Iudex ab omnibus civibus amatus est. The judge was loved by all the citizens.
Pluperfect passive The 4th principal part + the imperfect of ‘sum’ Delectatus, a, um Eram I had been delighted Delectati, ae, a Eramus We had been delighted Delectatus, a, um Eras You had been delighted Delectati, ae, a Eratis Y’all had been delighted Delectatus, a, um Erat S/he/it had been delighted Delectati, ae, a Erant They had been delighted
Future Passive 4th principal part + the future of ‘sum’ Monitus, a, um Ero I will have been warned Moniti, ae, a Erimus We will have been warned Monitus, a, um Eris You will have been warned Moniti, ae, a Eritis Y’all will have been warned Monitus, a, um Erit S/he/it will have been warned Moniti, ae, a Erunt They will have been warned
Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives Introduce questions: asks for identity Who loves the teacher? Whose teacher do you love? To whom does the teacher give the book? Adjective in questions: specific identification Which girl does the poet love? Which teacher is loved?
Interrogative Pronouns Singular (adj. in form same as relative prn) M/F N Quis Quid Cuius Cui Quem Quo
Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives Plural M F N Qui Quae Quorum Quarum Quibus Quos Quas
Interrogatives vs Relative Pronoun Quis Quid Qui Quae Quod Cuius Cui Quem Quam Quo Qua
Interrogatives vs Relative Pronoun Qui Quae Quorum Quarum Quibus Quos Quas
Modify Noun? Antecedent? Intro to question Sentence end with ? Rel prn Int prn Int adj
Modifies Noun? Antecedent? In a question Sentence end with ? Rel prn No Yes Int prn Int adj
Bad Break-up from Catullus From Catullus 8 Vale, puella - iam Catullus obdurat. Scelesta, vae te! Quae tibi manet vita? Quis nunc te adibit? Cui videberis bella? Quem nunc amabis? Cuius esse diceris? Quem basiabis? Cui labella mordebis? At tu, Catulle, destinatus obdura.