AC la (AC- 3rd, 5th, 6th ) --do Now: Follow procedures – Agenda/blue page and belongings in basket Open agenda and verify you wrote the quiz on Sept. 6th yesterday(Subordinating Conjunctions, NINJAS, FANBOYS, Relative Pronouns) Turn in homework if you did not turn it in yesterday. Take out phrases and clauses notes—adding the relative pronouns
(AC- 3rd, 5th, 6th ) - ADD TO MONDAY’S notes Relative Pronouns – 4W’s and a T who, whom, whose, which, and that A subordinate clause—also called a dependent clause—will begin with a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun and will contain both a subject and a verb. This combination of words will not form a complete sentence.
(AC- 3rd, 5th, 6th )Take out a clean sheet of paper. Do NOT look at notes – NO CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A GRADE – FROM MEMORY, WRITE ALL THE COORDINATING AND SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS YOU CAN REMEMBER, CIRCLE NINJA WORDS, and the 5 Relative Pronouns you just wrote down Self reflection –How many have I learned? Do I need to study? Quiz will be in the 40% category.
Language Arts – 4th and 7th periods Follow procedures – Open agenda and verify you wrote the quiz on Sept. 6th yesterday Quiz ---FANBOYS, which are coordinating conjunctions, and AAAWWWWUUBBIS- T words ,which are subordinating conjunctions. (NINJAS will help but no needed for quiz-hint, hint…) Turn in homework if you did not turn it in yesterday. Put your belongings in the basket with blue agenda page on top.
(4TH & 7TH)Take out a clean sheet of paper. Do NOT look at notes – NO CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A GRADE – FROM MEMORY, WRITE ALL THE COORDINATING AND SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS YOU CAN REMEMBER CIRCLE NINJA WORDS; they could help you next Wednesday Self reflection –How many have I learned? Do I need to study? Quiz will be in the 40% category.
(4th – 7th Periods) --DO NOW Textbooks: A- G (1st) K-P(2nd), R- W(3rd) From Bad Boy--Remember the structure: Incident (hook and all events leading up to and including the intense moment incident Responses to the incidents Reflections on the incidents and responses All students answering 2 questions Everyone answers #6 on page 29 Row 1 students answer #1, Row 2 students answer #2, etc. through #5
(3rd Period) --DO NOW Textbooks: A- G (1st) K-P(2nd), R- W(3rd) From Bad Boy--Remember the structure. You completed #6 and more the other day. Incident (hook and all events leading up to and including the intense moment incident Responses to the incidents Reflections on the incidents and responses Complete the first column on the Scavenger Hunt Language Graphic Organizer –find 1 example of each of the items. Write out the complete sentence. Be sure to cite it correctly as you are copying sentences from the personal narrative.