Global Warming One Last Finale The End Of the Holocene
Before The Melting The Ice Age Set the path of polar ice formation Cooled of the planet Rendered numerous species extinct. Ended due to volcanic activity
What is global warming Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.
Causes CO2 Emissions from fossil fuels Dense Populations Area’s Depeltion of Ozone Layer Volcanic Activity. Massive Deforestation
Consequences A heated outcome Extreme weather patterns Loss of ice sheets and raising of water levels dramatically Droughts Increased fires Ozone layer loss A mass extinction event
A Problem Worth Solving The solutions that will make or break us Cut down on Greenhouse gasses Cut down fossil fuels Switch to reneweble energy sources Go nuclear Go eco friendly
More extreme solutions Geoengineer the planet’s atmosphere Dropping more iron into the ocean to support plankton growth and thus oceanic photosynthesis Leave Earth behind and search for new horizons
Why does it warm up? Greenhouse gases trap the outgoing heat radiated from the suns rays and distributes it back to Earth, thus causing global heating.