T2DM Management.


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Presentation transcript:

T2DM Management

Program Overview

The Development of Basal Insulins

Continuum of Clinical Research: RCTs and RWE

BEGIN and EDITION Trials for Deg-100 and Gla-300

RWE for Gla-300: DELIVER Studies

DEVOTE Trial: Deg-100 vs Gla-100

Comparing PK/PD Data

Cannot Directly Compare BEGIN and EDITION Programs

BRIGHT: Head-to-Head Comparison of Gla-300 and Deg-100

BRIGHT: Study Endpoints and Glycemic Targets

BRIGHT: Baseline Characteristics

BRIGHT: Primary Endpoint: Glycemic Control

BRIGHT: FPG and SMBG Reduction

BRIGHT: 8-Point SMBG and Variability Profiles

BRIGHT: Anytime (24 h) Hypoglycemia

BRIGHT: Nocturnal (00:00–06:00 h) Hypoglycemia


BRIGHT: Insulin Dosage and Body Weight Over 24 Weeks

BRIGHT: Results Summary



Abbreviations (cont)