Aphrodite goddess of love Deaja downey 6th hr.
Who is Aphrodite? In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of Love, Beauty, Seduction, Pleasure, and Happiness. (yikes)
Family history & love affairs Parents : Uranus, or Zeus and Dione Children: Eros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Pothos, Anteros, Himeros, Hermaphroditos, Rhode, Eryx, Peitho, Eunomia, The Graces, Priapus, Aeneas and Tyche (possibly) Consorts (sexual partners):Hephaestus, Ares, Poseidon, Hermes, Dionysus, Adonis, and Anchises
Where is Aphrodite from? There is more than one story. According to sources she was born when Cronus cut off Uranus's genitals and threw them into the sea, and then she came up from the sea foam. “born” basically.
Symbols Ram, hare, and tortoise. The rose is her flower, the myrtle, her sacred tree, and the apple (her fruit).