Not very long after Queen Victoria came to the throne, a boy called William Booth took a job as a pawnbroker’s apprentice in the city of Nottingham. SAMPLE SLIDE A pawnbroker is a shop keeper who takes a valuable object like a watch or a piece of furniture from someone who needs cash and lends them money while the pawnbroker keeps the object. Later the person can buy their object back for a little more than the pawnbroker lent them. In Victorian times it was usually very poor people who needed the services of a pawnbroker. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
One Sunday he took some homeless people into his church One Sunday he took some homeless people into his church. The other church goers were disgusted. They forced him to take the homeless to the back of the church where they wouldn’t be seen. SAMPLE SLIDE William protested that these were the very people they should be trying to help. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
Not everyone was pleased to see the Salvation Army grow Not everyone was pleased to see the Salvation Army grow. Some people were shocked by the brass bands and the merry hymns which were so different to what many Victorians were used to. Some said that feeding the poor was wrong as it discouraged them from looking after themselves and anyway, it was just a way of bribing them to attend church. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
The Salvation Army became stronger and stronger The Salvation Army became stronger and stronger. By the time William Booth died aged eighty-three it had spread all over the world and was known by the people as ‘The Sally Army’. SAMPLE SLIDE General William Booth 1829 - 1912 Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show If your back button doesn’t work……… to return to your last webpage CLICK HERE