Agenda Academic requirements for 10th Grade PSAT / SAT CCRCCA PARCC Academic Support SSL Mental Health - Sources of Strength PTSA Updates
Progress Towards Graduation MCPS Promotion Policy The present promotion policy for high school students states the following: Students must earn 5 credits to be promoted to 10th grade Students must earn 10 or more credits to be promoted to 11th grade Students must earn 15 or more credits to be promoted to 12th grade
All 10th grade student will take the PSAT free of charge. The PSAT will provide students with information regarding their strengths and areas of improvement in preparation of the SAT. College Readiness Day is October 10th. There is no make-up day for the PSAT. Mr. Brown is the administrator in charge of PSAT.
College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act (CCRCCA): What is CCRCCA? A state mandate that requires all students to be assessed for college and career readiness by the end of 11th grade Our goal is to ensure that as you leave high school you are prepared to take credit-bearing courses and for successful careers How do you become CCRCCA ready? Reading/English/Language Arts Mathematics SAT: 480 or higher, or ACT: 21 or higher, or ACCUPLACER: Reading 79 or higher and Sentence Skills 90 or higher SAT: 530 or higher, or ACT 21 or higher, or ACCUPLACER: Elementary Algebra 62 or higher and College Level Math 45 or higher
SAT and ACT Test Dates
Assessments Required for Graduation PARCC Pass Algebra I PARCC (725), and Pass English Language Arts/Literacy 10 PARCC (725), or Combined score of 1450 between the two tests MISA Pass HS-MISA (after earning third science credit) HSA Pass Government HSA (394)
Academic Support Lunch help with teachers Homework Club - Tuesday and Thursday AMP UP - AP support at Saturday School (Paint Branch H.S.) - See Ms. O’Neill if you are interested in attending Bengal Academy National Honor Society Peer Tutoring Bump Up Saturday
SSL Graduation Requirements Student Service Learning Hours Students are required to earn 75 hours of Student Service Learning (SSL) prior to graduation Certificate of Meritorious Service for earning 260 SSL hours Ms. Conter, Counselor – Blake’s SSL coordinator
Mental Health Support/Resources Sources of Strength Looking for student leaders
PTSA Updates and General Questions