GET THE BEHAVIOR YOU WANT Without Being the Parent You Hate! Deborah Gilboa, M.D.
If you could wave a magic wand... Which behavior would you change at home?
BEHAVIOR CHANGE Change the reaction.
YOU NEED A PLAN 1. Pick a behavior. 2. Decide on consequences. 3. Meet as a family. 4. Stick to it!
Methods: CHANGE “HOW- TO” Key ingredient: CONSISTENCY. Distraction Separation Non-response Losing priveleges Contracts Key ingredient: CONSISTENCY.
3 R’s of PARENTING Respect Responsibility Resilience That’s my kid! Responsibility Build a great work ethic. Resilience Manage difficulty.
RESPECT Tone of voice. Titles of respect. Eye contact Body Language Secret Code Negotiating Parental privacy 3 sentences; amazing results!
RESPONSIBILITY How can I help? Chores Homework Practice Community service One work ethic; 2 sentences
RESILIENCE “I’ll be really interested to see what you do!” Mistakes teach resilience. Praise the process. Let life teach the lesson. Choices, within limits. Encourage some risk-taking. Reach out for resources! “I’ll be really interested to see what you do!”
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