Tracey Tomkinson, Cllr Brad Bradford, Deborah Smith & Sheila Davison


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Presentation transcript:

Tracey Tomkinson, Cllr Brad Bradford, Deborah Smith & Sheila Davison Ashford Tracey Tomkinson, Cllr Brad Bradford, Deborah Smith & Sheila Davison

Who? Ashford Health & Wellbeing Board (Smoking and Healthy Weight) - need identified What? Vision of Ashford Health Shop When? Proposal - December 2016 Launch – late January early February 2017

Health Checks Weigh In Welcoming This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Weigh In Health Checks Welcoming This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

On your marks…. A crazy challenge from a slightly crazy councillor, an impossible deadline, and no budget … what could be easier?

Get set….


What’s on offer? Direct Referral: Healthy Weight Services One You Weight Loss Exercise Referral One You Smokefree Smoking in pregnancy clinic NHS Health Checks

What’s on offer? One You Lifestyle Advisers Health Walks Expert Patients Programme On the spot: Health Checks/MOTs CO Reading Blood Pressure Weigh to Go (using the ‘Booth of Truth’)

Signposting Turning Point Sexual Health Services Live Well Kent (Shaw Trust) Porchlight Dieticians Ashford Voluntary Services Kent Fire and Rescue Services (Home Safety Visits/Advice and Services) PALS

In brief One You offers support and guidance to help individuals improve their health and wellbeing

Who’s interested….? 10th February – 31st November 2017 (9 months ) Total number recorded as attending shop: 1268 Total interventions: 1868

In what….? Healthy Weight – 697 (37%) Stop Smoking – 317 (17%) Health Checks and MOTs – 225 (12%)

10 Feb – 31 November 2017

Starting point…. Health Inequalities: 9 Identified Wards 48% of interventions are accessed from most deprived wards (one or more intervention/advice guidance) 59% - Stop Smoking interventions from deprived wards 38% - Healthy Weight interventions from deprived wards

The journey so far…. 15

Easter at Ashford

It’s not over yet (The Hurdles) Further promotion is required to engage local people through: Employers Local businesses Local groups CCGs (GPs) Schools (leaflet home) Raise awareness of NHS Health Checks and Health MOTs

Next Steps for One You Kent Branding Potential Future Delivery Ashford implementation of One You brand Potential Future Delivery Building on success

It’s all about you at Ashford How can the One You shop better help you? What can the One You shop do to support your employees or promote the wellbeing work you do? How can you help us?

Thank you for attending the workshop Your ideas will be used to poll new services Only one thing left to say ……….

Visit us at One You, Park Mall Shopping Centre, Ashford So, when you’re ready…. Visit us at One You, Park Mall Shopping Centre, Ashford 0300 123 1220