How To Make your photo into a cartoon using Adobe Photoshop
Members: Cleo Mallyn Hongoy Ryan Lincay Janica Canda Nerwin Centino
STEP 1: Choose a photo then drag the tab
STEP 2: Duplicate the Background Duplicate your background layer by right clicking in the layers panel. This is a good first step to ensure you don’t accidently overwrite your original file.
STEP 3: Navigate to Filters > Blur > Smart Blur STEP 3: Navigate to Filters > Blur > Smart Blur. You can use these values or come up with your own, depending on how you want your image to shape up.
This will reduce the skin textures and smooth our your image, which will be important later.
A quick levels adjustment (Ctrl + L) can help push contrast and make your image work better as a cartoon. Try these settings, or your own, as you see fit.
Once your levels are finished, make a duplicate copy of that layer by right clicking and selecting “Duplicate.” Don’t copy your original background layer, but instead duplicate the layer you just ran filters on. In our example, it’s called “Background copy.” Select the new copy as shown.
Navigate to Filters > Sketch > Photocopy Navigate to Filters > Sketch > Photocopy. Adjust the detail and darkness sliders roughly as shown here, or to whatever values make your image look good. You may find you need to bump up the “detail” or “darkness” setting dependent on what your image needs to work well.
Select your topmost layer and set it to a blending mode of “Multiply” as shown above highlighted in blue.
Our image is beginning to take shape, but let’s get a more convincing flat-cartoon color layer for our base.
Select the bottommost copy layer, which is probably the one in the middle, if you’re following along.
Navigate to Filter > Artistic > Cutout to use the cutout filter Navigate to Filter > Artistic > Cutout to use the cutout filter. Adjust the sliders as shown to get fairly good detail in your image, without it becoming to simple or losing color.
Our final image is a nice, colorful image, with smooth colors under a good example of Photoshop filter lineart.
Final Output: