EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 Updating ODV format guidelines and possible templates for different matrices. EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 1
Data Templates Current information available: Templates for dataset on: Vertical profiles Time series Water Sediment (?) Biota (?) http://www.seadatanet.org/Standards-Software/Data-Transport-Formats EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 2
Data Templates Vertical profiles: Profile data have row_groups made up of measurements at different depths. The primary variable is the ‘z co-ordinate’, which is either depth in metres or pressure in decibars. Used for stations usually not repeated regularly over time, for which several depths are sampled. Typical examples: CTD profiles, bottle stations (chemical data, chlorophyll, plankton,…) (water and biota) Vertical profiles: CTD + other sensors EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 3
Data Templates Time series: Point time series have row_groups made up of measurements from a given instrument at different times. The primary variable is time. Used for the same station repeated regularly over time, for which usually a single depth is sampled. Typical examples: biota composition (contaminants in biota), sediment composition, mooring data (eg. MAMBO buoy) Time series: Bottle data Sediment data EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 4
Data Templates Guidelines for sediment data: Time series: Point time series have row_groups made up of measurements at different times. The primary variable is time. Sampling device: Grab EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 5
Data Templates Guidelines for sediment data: Profiles: Profile data have row_groups made up of measurements at different depths. The primary variable is the ‘z co-ordinate’, which is core-dist. Proposal: addition of Core TopDepth and Core BottomDepth to keep originator information Sampling device: core EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 6
Data Templates Guidelines for sediment data: Sampling device: core MINCDIST Minimum depth below surface of the bed MinDepBelowBed The minimum distance between part of a sample and the seabed such as the distance between the top of a core segment and the top of a core. COREDIST Depth below surface of the bed DepBelowBed The distance of a sensor or sampling point below the floor of a water body MAXCDIST Maximum depth below surface of the bed MaxDepBelowBed The maximum distance between part of a sample and the seabed such as the distance between the base of a core segment and the top of a core. EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 7
Data Templates Guidelines for biota composition (eg. contaminants in biota) data: Time series (please confirm): Point time series have row_groups made up of measurements at different times. The primary variable is time. However, cases of same time, same Lon./Lat., … ! EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 8
Data Templates Particular cases to agree: Issues for products: Sediment Time series with several depths? Several time-series depths (eg. from mooring)? Different stations sampled once at only one depth (eg. surface sediment, biota): profiles? Issues for products: EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 9
Issues from EMODnet Chemistry 2: Primary variable for sediment and biota Other??? EMODnet Chemistry 3 1st TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 10