SUBSTITUTION 6th Grade Unit 3 Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question What were the major achievements of Rome and how did they influence later cultures? (6.2.5, 6.3.3) Description of Formative Performance Task: You will use Quizlet flashcards to review vocabulary. Featured Source: Quizlet vocabulary Featured Tech Tools: Laptop or desktop computers with Internet access Steps: Go to the following link Review flashcards to practice your vocabulary skills Upon completion of review, you will complete the quiz. Teacher Name: Kathy Walker School: DeQuincy Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: You do not need to have a Quizlet account, but you may want a teacher account to explore the resources. Assessment: Formative Assessment will be used prior to a Vocabulary quiz.
Topic: What were the major achievements of Rome and how did they influence later cultures? (6.2.5, 6.3.3) 6th Grade Unit 3 Formative Performance Task 2 AUGMENTATION Description of Formative Performance Task: You will take a short quiz on the achievements of ancient Rome. Featured Source: Kahoot Quiz Featured Tech Tools: iPads and/or Laptop or desktop computer with Internet access Steps: Go to and put in the game code provided: ___________________ You will have 10 minutes to complete the quiz. Teacher Name: Kathy Walker School: DeQuincy Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: You will need to have a Kahoot account and use the Kahoot at this link: on Roman Achievements. You will be given a game code to provide to your students. Assessment: Formative Assessment will be used with the results of the Vocabulary quiz.
MODIFICATION 6th Grade Unit 3 Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION Topic: What were the major achievements of Rome and how did they influence later cultures? (6.2.5, 6.3.3) Description of Summative Performance Task: You will read the information provided in each column to answer “Which achievement of ancient Rome do you consider the be the most important? Be prepared to defend your answer. Featured Source: Padlet Featured Tech Tools: Laptop or Desktop computers with Internet access Steps:. 1. Students will work with a partner. 2. Go to the Roman Achievements Padlet using the link provided. 3. Begin by reading the information in column one. Continue reading each column. On a separate sheet of paper, take notes on the information provided that will help you answer the writing prompt. After reviewing the information in each column, click on the + sign and write 1 summary sentence. Remember to put you and your partner’s nickname at the beginning of each response. Task: Read the writing prompt again. On a separate sheet of paper, write a complete response to the question. Use the provided rubric to guide your writing. Teacher Name: Kathy Walker School: DeQuincy Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: You will need to have a Padlet account and use the Padlet at this link: You will need to remake this for each section that you teach. Assessment: Summative Assessment; A scoring rubric will need to be created and used by students as they complete the Task. The teacher will need to use one found with the Grade 6 Tasks or create something similar to use.
REDEFINITION 6th Grade Unit 3 Summative Performance Task 4 REDEFINITION Topic: What were the major achievements of Rome and how did they influence later cultures? (6.2.5, 6.3.3) Description of Summative Performance Task: You will use the Clips Apps to create a short video that will answer the task question. You will collaborate on this task with your group of four. Steps: Having already examined the sources, each person in the group should already have a completed written response to the task question. Once you are ready to create, open the Clips app and tap the down arrow button at the top left of the screen. Select New Video. For the 1st slide, select the T icon at the top left, and create a title that includes the topic of the question. Now use your voice to record your question. To insert a photo, select photo and take a picture of the item that you want to insert. When complete, select the Share icon at the bottom right and select Save Video. One person will log into my BB page. Click on “Add New Thread”. In the subject box, put the title of your video. Click on the “attach file” icon. Browse to find your video and submit. Now each student needs to click on two other videos and watch the video. Use the Content Rubric to review the group’s video. Provide feedback of at least three sentences about the content of the video. Featured Source: Clips App Featured Tech Tools: iPads Laptop or Desktop computers with Internet access Teacher Name: Kathy Walker School: DeQuincy Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: You will need to have a Clips App downloaded onto iPads. This may need to be done as a station if you have limited devices. You will need to have taken BB201 for students to be able to upload their videos to the discussion board. An alternative to this would be to create folders in the Shared folder on the h drive for students to have access to the videos from other classes. Assessment: Summative Assessment; The Content rubric will used by students as they provide feedback for the videos posted The teacher will need to use one found with the Grade 6 Tasks or create something similar to use to score each group’s video.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Kathy Walker Louisiana Social Studies Standard: 6.2.5 Describe the characteristics of Roman civilization; its cultural, political, and technological achievements; and its influence on other later cultures; 6.3.3 Compare and contrast physical and political boundaries of civilizations, empires, and kingdoms using maps and globes What were the major achievements of Rome and how did they influence later cultures? Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will use the Clips Apps to create a short video that will answer the task question. You will collaborate on this task with your group of four. Clips App iPads Laptop or Desktop computers with Internet access You will read the information provided in each column to answer “Which achievement of ancient Rome do you consider the be the most important? Be prepared to defend your answer. Padlet Laptop or Desktop computers with Internet access You will take a short quiz on the achievements of ancient Rome. Kahoot Quiz iPads and/or Laptop or desktop computer with Internet access You will use Quizlet flashcards to review vocabulary. Quizlet vocabulary Laptop or desktop computers with REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.