Types of Charts 4.02 Types of Charts
Charts and graphs: Explain six common charts used in business. Column Stacked Bar XY Scatter Pie Exploded Pie Line 4.02 Types of Charts
Differentiate Charts and Graphs Graph - a pictorial representation of data Includes the plot area, gridlines, and values Used in a chart Chart – an enhancement of a graph (includes labels, legend information, titles, and color and adds meaning to the graph) 4.02 Types of Charts
Column Chart - Compares groups of data against each other (seniors, juniors, and sophomores) 4.02 Types of Charts
Column Chart Which group attends assemblies most consistently? Which group attends the assemblies most inconsistently? The seniors. Their attendance increases in January and February, shows a dramatic increase in March, and declines by more than half in April. Which group attends assemblies most consistently? Which group attends assemblies most inconsistently? Compares Senior, Junior, and Sophomore attendance rates at assemblies over a period of four months. 4.02 Types of Charts
Stacked Bar Chart Represents the contribution of individual items to the whole Bars are divided into two or more parts Length of bars represents a total 4.02 Types of Charts
Stacked Bar The components are displayed in the order presented in the spreadsheet. What was the total sales for the first quarter? About $18,000 How much did printer sales contribute to the total sales for the first quarter? $5,000 How would you determine the percent of sales for printers to the total sales for the first quarter? Shows three components: Computers, Printers, and Monitors to total sales during each quarter (three-month period) What was the total sales for the first quarter? How much did printer sales contribute to the total sales for the first quarter? 4.02 Types of Charts
XY Scatter Compares pairs of values Indicates a correlation between two or more sets of data http://www.excel-2010.com/excel-scatter-chart/ 4.02 Types of Charts
XY Scatter – Shows a relationship between two or more numeric variables Indicates a correlation between the month and the attendance rate 4.02 Types of Charts
Pie Chart – Represents parts of a whole and only one series of data % of each expenditure in a budget % of each investment type in a portfolio It answers the question, “What is the percentage of each part to the whole?” Which item contributed the most percent to the total sales? 4.02 Types of Charts
Exploded Pie Chart - Emphasizes one or more portions of the data 4.02 Types of Charts
Line Chart – Illustrates trends in data (increase or decresase in sales over a period of time) Which department showed the most growth? Which department showed a decline in sales? 4.02 Types of Charts
Can you identify the charts? Represents the contribution of individual items to the whole Indicates trends in data Makes comparisons about groups of data Emphasizes one or more portions of the data Represents only one series of data Indicates a correlation Stacked bar Line Bar Exploded pie Pie XY Scatter 4.02 Types of Charts
Stacked Bar 4.02 Types of Charts
XY Scatter 4.02 Types of Charts
Column Chart 4.02 Types of Charts
Exploded Pie 4.02 Types of Charts
Pie 4.02 Types of Charts
Line 4.02 Types of Charts