Definition Types Pathogenesis Signs and symptoms Complications Diagnosis Treatment Prevention
Definition Fibrosis and scarring of the lungs secondary to repeated inhalation of dust associated with some occupation
Types Silicosis Anthracosis Asbestosis Byssinosis Bagassosis Farmer’s lung
Pathogenesis Dust particles Lungs Inflammation chronic Elastic tissue Fibrous tissue Scarring of lungs
Signs and symptoms Pulmonary symptoms Dyspnoea Cough with expectoration Chest discomfort Haemoptysis
General symptoms Ill health Restless sleep Loss of appetite Loss of weight Nails pale and bluish
Complications Lung fibrosis Lung cancer Pleurisy CHF Cor pulmonale
Diagnosis History Clinical examination Exposure Years of exposure Protective clothing used or not Clinical examination
Investigations Chest X ray Pulmonary function test CT scan Bronchoscopy with lung biopsy
Asbestosis : pl. calcification
Asbestosis : Mesothelioma
Treatment Avoid further exposure Medical treatment Surgical treatment Oxygen inhalation Immunization Antibiotics Surgical treatment Lung transplantation
Prevention Dust control Personal protection Periodic examination Isolation and enclosure Hydroblasting Personal protection Periodic examination Legal measures
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