Before we get started… complete the revision task - no notes/texts allowed! Copy down this short extract and annotate with techniques, key words and connotations, Shakespeare’s message/intentions, context links, IMPACT of language on modern vs contemporary reader: BENVOLIO: I pray thee good Mercutio, let’s retire: The day is hot, the Capels are abroad, And if we meet we shall not scape a brawl, For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. Today, we’re revising: Romeo and Juliet REMEMBER, REGULARLY REVISITING AND REVISING ALL THE TEXTS WILL ALLOW YOU TO WRITE THE BEST RESPONSES! 3:1 p44
Paper 1: Tues 6th June GCSE English Language Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing 1 hour 45 mins 50% Paper 2: Writer’s viewpoints and perspectives 1 hour 45 mins 50% Reading – 40 marks 15 mins read and plan Find four… 4 marks 5 mins Language 8 marks 10 mins Structure 8 marks 10 mins Evaluate 20 marks 20 mins Writing – 40 marks Describe or narrate : choice from two questions 24 content 45 mins 16 accuracy Reading – 40 marks 15 mins read and plan Select four… 4 marks 5 mins Comprehension 8 marks 8 mins Language 12 marks 12 mins Compare 16 marks 20 mins Writing – 40 marks Write in a viewpoint 24 content 45 mins 16 accuracy
Paper 1: Tues 6th June Ready to learn P1 Q2 and P2 Q3 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Remind me of your 3 top tips from the examiner from last lesson on language analysis questions! No looking at your notes! Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Paper 1: Tues 6th June Today’s objectives Paper 2: Mon 12th June Do you know what the questions for P1 Q2 and P2 Q3 are? Can you use the examiners tips in your answers? Can you text mark some sample answers? Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Paper 1: Tues 6th June Success today Paper 2: Mon 12th June Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology. Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Preparation for GCSE English Language Paper 1: Tues 6th June Preparation for GCSE English Language Paper 2: Mon 12th June AO1 – Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information AO2 – Analyse language, structure AO3 – Compare writer’s ideas (Paper 2 only) AO4 – Evaluate texts critically (Paper 1 only) AO5 – Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively AO6 – Vocabulary, sentence structures and punctuation Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
The question will be… Paper 1 Question 2 = 8 marks Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June The question will be… Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 1 Question 2 = 8 marks Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Paper 1 Q2 mark scheme Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June Mon 12th June Level Skills descriptors Level 4 – ‘Perceptive, detailed analysis’ 7-8 marks Analyses the effect of the writer’s choices of LANGUAGE Selects a judicious range of textual detail Makes a sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology Level 3 – ‘clear, relevant explanation’ 5-6 marks Explains clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of LANGUAGE Selects a range of relevant textual detail Makes clear and accurate use of subject terminology Level 2 – ‘some understanding and comment’ 3-4 marks Attempts to comment on the effect of LANGUAGE Selects some appropriate textual details Makes some use of subject terminology, mainly appropriately Level 1 – ‘Simple, limited comment’ 1–2 marks Offers simple comment on the effect of LANGUAGE Selects simple references Makes simple use of subject terminology – not always appropriately
The question will be… Paper 2 Question 3 = 12 marks Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June The question will be… Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 2 Question 3 = 12 marks Mark scheme from the exam board Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Paper 2 Q3 mark scheme Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June Mon 12th June Level Skills descriptors Level 4 – ‘Perceptive, detailed analysis’ 10-12 marks Analyses the effect of the writer’s choices of LANGUAGE Selects a judicious range of textual detail Makes a sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology Level 3 – ‘clear, relevant explanation’ 7-9 marks Explains clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of LANGUAGE Selects a range of relevant textual detail Makes clear and accurate use of subject terminology Level 2 – ‘some understanding and comment’ 4-6 marks Attempts to comment on the effect of LANGUAGE Selects some appropriate textual details Makes some use of subject terminology, mainly appropriately Level 1 – ‘Simple, limited comment’ 1–3 marks Offers simple comment on the effect of LANGUAGE Selects simple references Makes simple use of subject terminology – not always appropriately
Your turn! Paper 2 Q3 Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June Mon 12th June REMEMBER: Statement (idea) answering the question Quote (remember you can shorten it but NOT just one word) Analysis of the quote Terminology (simile/metaphor/hyperbole etc) Close analysis of a particular word – the connotations/symbolism of that word Effect of this word/technique on the reader Writer’s intentions Work together on your tables to create a 1 paragraph answer on your A4 paper The Death Zone Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Language Doughnuts Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June Mon 12th June ‘Heart of Gold’ Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Here the writer uses a metaphor. Paper 1: Tues 6th June Language Doughnuts Paper 2: Mon 12th June Here the writer uses a metaphor. ‘Heart of Gold’ Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Here the writer uses a metaphor. Paper 1: Tues 6th June Language Doughnuts Paper 2: Mon 12th June This metaphor encourages a reader to feel respect for the person being described because they are shown as kind and generous. Here the writer uses a metaphor. ‘Heart of Gold’ Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Here the writer uses a metaphor. Paper 1: Tues 6th June Language Doughnuts Paper 2: Mon 12th June Gold has positive connotations because it is precious, rare and valuable which creates a positive impression of the person described. This metaphor encourages a reader to feel respect for the person being described because they are shown as kind and generous. Here the writer uses a metaphor. ‘Heart of Gold’ Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Language Analysis Doughnuts Paper 1: Tues 6th June Language Analysis Doughnuts Paper 2: Mon 12th June ‘engulfing the ice-clad slopes effortlessly in a swirling mantle of hurricane-force winds ‘ ‘Heart of Gold’ Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Sample Answers You have 4 sample answers for P1 Q2, in varying bands. Paper 1: Tues 6th June Sample Answers Paper 2: Mon 12th June You have 4 sample answers for P1 Q2, in varying bands. Using the mark scheme and working in pairs, note down where you think they have addressed the criteria and give them a mark out of 8 – please do not write on the sheets! Which is the best? Which is the worst? Why? Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.
Paper 1 Q2 Sample answer 1: What do you think? What did they do well? Tues 6th June Paper 1 Q2 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Sample answer 1: What do you think? What did they do well? How could they improve? Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Sample answer 1: Level 1- 1 mark Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 1 Q2 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Sample answer 1: Level 1- 1 mark Took too long to focus on language Simple textual detail Simple comment on effect of language Simple awareness of language; one simple comment on the effect of language; simple textual detail. The rest of the response does not focus on language. ‘The writer says that the boy was scared’ Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 1 Q2 Sample answer 2: What do you think? What did they do well? Tues 6th June Paper 1 Q2 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Sample answer 2: What do you think? What did they do well? How could they improve? Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 1 Q2 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Sample answer 2: Level 2 - 4 marks Some understanding of language; attempts to comment on the effect of language; some use of appropriate textual detail; some use of subject terminology. The comment on the effects of language in this response is better than the previous response on Level 1, but the explanation is not yet sufficiently developed to be considered clear. A typical L2 response sometimes offers synonyms for the selected word. Here, ‘aggressive’ is an appropriate synonym for ‘roaring’ but ‘unhappy’ is less successful. ‘In lines 6 – 11 the writer uses language to describe the storm Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 1 Q2 Sample answer 3: What do you think? What did they do well? Tues 6th June Paper 1 Q2 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Sample answer 3: What do you think? What did they do well? How could they improve? Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Sample answer 3: Level 3 - 5 marks Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 1 Q2 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Sample answer 3: Level 3 - 5 marks Clear understanding of language One clear explanation of effects in 1st para. Good use of subject terminology Explanation of effects best so far. The response could have been improved by a more specific analysis of the word ‘lashing’ and a greater range of examples. ‘‘In lines 6 – 11 the writer uses language to describe the effects of the storm by creating a semantic field’ Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 1 Q2 Sample answer 4: What do you think? What did they do well? Tues 6th June Paper 1 Q2 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Sample answer 4: What do you think? What did they do well? How could they improve? Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Sample answer 4: Level 4 – 7 marks Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 1 Q2 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Sample answer 4: Level 4 – 7 marks Perceptive understanding of language by the end. Sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology. The analysis of the effects of language is better than the Level 3 response. ***The selection of language is the same as in some of the other answers, but it is how the student analyses it that is significant *** ‘The writer uses present participle verbs’ Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
How are you going to revise? Paper 1: Tues 6th June How are you going to revise? Paper 2: Mon 12th June Level 5 – comment on the effect of language, with some appropriate subject terminology. Level 6 – explain clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language, with accurate use of terminology. Level 7/8/9 – analyse the effect of the writer’s choices of language with sophisticated use of terminology.