Electrical Conduction Pattern Define the following: A-/An- Dys- EKG/ECG AED Arrhythmia Dysrhythmia Fibrillation Defibrillator Pacemaker Electrical Conduction Pattern SA Node Objectives: (Standard: 8, 19A HS; 10C MT; 14-15 EP) Students will 1.) Label the electrical conduction pattern of the heart 2.) Associate the conduction pattern to the QRS complex 3.) Identify the parts of an EKG
Draw and label the heart on p. 757
List the electrical conduction pattern of the heart in order from start to finish. How often does this pattern occur? Where are the Purkinje Fibers located? What happens when the impulse reaches this area? Where are the Bundle Branches located? Where is the Bundle of His located? Where is the Atrioventricular node located? Where did the name come from? Where is the SA node located? What is another name for it? In an EKG, what does the PQRST represent? What does each wave represent individually? How is heart rate calculated from an EKG?