Providence Spring
The Numbers 40,000 - 45,000 Union prisoners held 13,000 – Died of Disease and starvation. 26.5 acres of ground left each soldier a spot that was 7 feet by 4 feet wide to live in.
Erected in the center of town in 1909 by the Daughters of the Confederacy, honors the memory of Captain Henry R. Wirz, The only person hanged for war crimes during the Civil War.
Captain Henry Wirz
His trial and execution remain controversial to this day some believe the truly guilty parties were his supervising officers, and that he was made a scapegoat for their incompetency. In a famous trial in Washington, D.C., before a military tribunal at the first War Crimes trial, Wirz refused a pardon if he implicated President Jefferson Davis. He was hanged on Nov. 10, 1865, on the same scaffold which executed the Booth conspirators.