Mycobacterium Leprae Dr.Qurat-Ul-Ain Senior Demonstrator Microbiology, KEMU, Lahore
Mycobacterium Leprae
MICROBIOLOGICAL FEATURES Gram-positive Intracellular Aerobic rod-shaped bacillus With a waxy coating M. leprae is unable to grow in vitro This is thought to be due to the fact that it no longer has the genes needed for independent growth Because of its inability to grow on agar, nude mice and nine-banded armadillos are used as animal models
Main Types of leprosy Borderline Tuberculoid Lepromatous
Diagnosis of Leprosy Clinical features. Smear or biopsy from the skin lesion stained with Fite stain . Lepromin test : Intradermal injection of M Leprae.It is a tuberculin type of reaction.