Plans for 10th Annual Workshop & Celebration Bill Collins National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado
Venue and Timing Time slot: June 21-23, 2005 Locale: Breckenridge No conflicts with AGU, AMS, or EGS meetings No conflicts with Gordon Conferences Locale: Breckenridge Thanks to Jay, cost = cost of meeting local to Boulder. Our preferred conference site knows our needs.
Theme: Crosscutting Science using CCSM Topics: IPCC Paleoclimate and Abrupt Climate Change Challenges of Building an Earth System Model Revamped meeting schedule: Short WG meetings focused on WG business More discussion in plenary Return of the “wrap-up” session Formal poster session Celebration of the 10th anniversary: Overview of progress and challenges from CSM1CCSM3 Special event to commemorate anniversary
Proposed Schedule for the Meeting
Other highlights Discussion of proposed biases workshop First meeting of chemistry working group? ASP conference on integrative Earth system modeling (after conference)
Possible Topics for Future Meetings 2006: Coupled chemistry-climate First results from 1st generation C3SM Findings with new BGC models Aerosol-climate interactions, etc 2007: IPCC Overview of the IPCC AR4 Major uncertainties highlighted by AR4 Experimental design for the AR5 Interactions with RCM work, WGs 2 and 3.