Personal Learning Plans Academic Seminar Personal Learning Plans
Learning Targets I will start my electronic portfolio on MCIS. I will enter my 9th grade 1st semester classes into my Personal Learning Plan.
Why? Starting this year, the Minnesota State Statute 120B.125 states that each 9th grader will create a comprehensive Personal Learning Plan (PLP).
Introductions Name Previous School Older Siblings – first and last name(s) After JM plans…
which means move your chair to the front. Scootchie-scootch, which means move your chair to the front.
Academics or Support Services Click on the Mark of Excellence to open the JM website.
Find the Counseling Office webpage and click on MCIS.
Does this look familiar?
What is my Username? your school ID # What is my Password? Rockets2019
Once you log-in, it will look like this…
Course Planner Fill in your 1st semester 9th grade classes that you currently taking. Make sure you click on the Save Information button.
Course Planner Leave Grade Blank Just add Semester 1
When you finish that…
Fill in these parts of the PLP Fill-in information for My Personal Information My Career Goals My Education Plans (scroll down to next category) Volunteer and Community Service Extracurricular Activities Employment History and Work-based Learning My Action Plan for this Year My Support Network Make sure you click on the Save Information button for each section.
For Fun…
Log-in Username – your school ID # Password – Rockets2019