“Day D” May 26, 2016 Olympics tomorrow! Bring plenty of water!!


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Presentation transcript:

“Day D” May 26, 2016 Olympics tomorrow! Bring plenty of water!! English Science Math Express/Mandarin LUNCH (2nd lunch) Exploratory Social Studies

Activator: Take out Project Packet May 26, 2016 Take out Project Packet Pick up tonight’s H.W. worksheet (on top of projector) Olympics tomorrow! Bring plenty of water!!

Content Objectives: Students will use multiplication to find the total amount of items needed for their “End of Year Party Planner ” project. So that I can complete the “ALL I NEED ALGORITHM” part of their project. 6.MP.5, 6.MP.6 May 26, 2016

End of the Year Party Planner PROJECT May 26, 2016 End of the Year Party Planner PROJECT

Timeline for completing our project: May 26, 2016 Invitation - (due on Wed. , May 25) Smorgasbord (2 games) – Classwork: Thurs. , May 26 “ ‘ALL I NEED’ Algorithm” worksheet - Classwork: Thurs. , May 26 “Purchasing the Products” worksheet Raffling Tickets Recording worksheet Transportation To and From worksheet Attendance Accounting worksheet Caloric Consumption worksheet Bringing in the Bucks worksheet Recording the Waste worksheet

May 26, 2016 It’s a few days before the big event, and you are almost ready to buy supplies. Use multiplication to tabulate how much of everything you estimate you will need. The last four have been left blank for you to add items you would like. Use a reasonable estimate to fill in the first two columns. Not Included: All the pizzas are donated by Pizza Hut! NO COST! FREE!

Homework: “Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Part II” worksheet May 26, 2016 Homework: “Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Part II” worksheet