Mrs. Ayana Fuentes Reading 6th grade Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Ayana Fuentes Reading 6th grade
Contact Information Mrs. Ayana Fuentes 1661 Galleria Drive Henderson, NV 89014 702-799-0777
Student Expectations Students are expected to exhibit respect, responsibility, and reliability at all times. Homework will be given 2-3 nights a week and are 20% of the overall grade. Students are to be respectful, strive to be positive, follow directions, and show responsibility in 6th grade. Students should make every effort to complete work on time.
Parent Expectations Please refer to my website for any information regarding your child’s class and events or please email me ( Conferences are available at a scheduled time before or after school. All students are expected to attend class every day unless ill, injured, or completed and submitted a CCSD Pre-arranged absence form. If you would like to volunteer, please indicate this on the sign-in sheet.
Teacher Expectations I will provide instruction in non-fiction reading text, writing, speaking and listening, and language as identified by the Nevada Academic Content Standards. I will collaborate with Mrs. Scalzi as she will focus on the fiction literature (novels). I will use a variety of sources for non-fiction text so students may become comfortable closely reading, annotating, and comprehending what the text says. I will have students demonstrate their understanding with verbal and written explanations.
Progress Reports 1st quarter progress report – 9/24/15 2nd quarter progress report – 12/4/15 3rd quarter progress report – 2/19/16 4th quarter progress report – 5/5/16 See pg. 18 in student planner to sign that you have been informed of student progress
Discipline Procedures If a student chooses not to follow the class or school rules, I will verbally remind them of the rules and procedures. Consequences Second time: teacher writes a Student Incident Report (SIR) and calls home Third time: teacher writes a SIR, calls home, student fills out a behavior reflection, and possible detention. Fourth time: teacher writes a SIR, calls home, and sends a counselor referral Fifth time: teacher writes an Infinite Campus referral, sends the SIR forms to Dean’s Office.
Supplies Every day students need Pencil Reading/English notebook Folder
Other Important Information Please see my website and future memos for information on upcoming special events. 3rd lunch at 12:33pm-1:03pm Absences/Tardies – see pg. 8/9 in student planner Dress Code – see pg. 11 in student planner
Let’s work together to have a great school year!