Review for Feudalism – Europe and Japan PAIR – SHARE
Name this continent! EUROPE
Name this Country! JAPAN
Why is Japan called an archipelago? IT’S MADE UP OF SEVERAL DIFFERENT ISLANDS
Name the main religion of Europe during the Middle Ages! ROMAN CATHOLIC CHRISTIANITY
Name the two religions that were worshipped in Japan! Extra point – Every Japanese person believed they had to worship this person – who was it? BUDDHISM AND SHINTOISM EXTRA POINT: EMPEROR
This religion was started by Siddhartha Gautama This religion was started by Siddhartha Gautama. It traveled from India to China to Japan. Its beliefs included reincarnation, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path and nirvana. BUDDHISM
This religion was very powerful This religion was very powerful. It had four important powers: canon law, interdict, excommunication and tithe. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
Many Samurai followed this branch of Buddhism. ZEN BUDDHISM
This religion had a hierarchy of officials: pope, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, and parish priests. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
This religion emphasizes the importance of natural features, forces of nature and ancestors. It believes in kami – which can be objects or people. SHINTOISM
WORTH 4 POINTS Fill out the following chart about feudalism/feudal obligation. Lord/Noble Gives Land Gives loyalty Vassal
WORTH 4 POINTS List the social hierarchy of Europe during the Middle Ages. Kings Lords/Nobles K nights Peasants
This social class has the least power – they are bound to the land and do all hard labor. They are also called serfs. PEASANTS
This social class is in charge of running the castle, settling disputes and collecting taxes. LORDS/NOBLES
A vassal would be a part of which social class? LORDS/NOBLES
This system is the political system during the Middle Ages – land was given in exchange for loyalty to a lord or king. FEUDALISM
This system is the economic system of the Middle Ages This system is the economic system of the Middle Ages. It was made up of self-sufficient estates that included the castles/manor house, fields, livestock, village, church, and forest. MANORIALISM/MANORIAL SYSTEM
WORTH 4 POINTS The Franks were one group that rose to power in Europe during the Middle Ages. How many Frank leaders can you name? CLOVIS, CHARLES “THE HAMMER” MARTEL, PEPIN THE SHORT, CHARLEMAGNE
Which Frank leader was named Holy Roman Emperor by the pope Which Frank leader was named Holy Roman Emperor by the pope? His achievements include education, spreading Christianity and bringing back some Roman culture. CHARLEMAGNE
WORTH 4 POINTS Invasions caused the decline of the Frank empire and the strengthening of feudalism. How many invaders can you name? ANGLES, SAXONS, VIKINGS AND MAGYARS
WORTH FIVE POINTS List the social hierarchy in feudal Japan. Emperor Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants
WORTH 4 POINTS Compare the European and Japanese social hierarchies. Which groups are similar? EMPEROR – KING DAIMYO - LORDS SAMURAI – KNIGHTS PEASANTS – PEASANTS
Which Japanese social group was the military commander Which Japanese social group was the military commander? He held most of the power in the government (even more than the emperor!) SHOGUN
Which social class would commit seppuku rather than surrender? SAMURAI