The Revolution Turns Violent


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Presentation transcript:

The Revolution Turns Violent

The Great Fear Prior to the Reign of Terror, there was a wave of panic throughout France. The peasants became outlaws and started terrorizing the nobles. Women violently marched to Versailles, angry about the rising price of bread. They killed a few guards and forced Louis XVI and Marie to move back to Paris to deal with the problems of France.

Changes in France National Assembly meets- Old Regime is dead. The Church lost their land- sold to help pay France’s debt. June 1791- The Royal family tried to escape, but were caught and returned to Paris. France goes to war- many European countries wanted the absolute monarchy restored. WHY? New government was formed called the National Convention- abolished the monarchy and France became a republic

What happened to King Louis XVI? Jan. 21, 1793 Oct. 16, 1793

Why did they execute the King? Summer 1792- Mobs have more power than the French government. Jacobins came to power= Radical group that wanted to remove the King and establish a republic. Louis XVI was considered an enemy of the revolution. Temporary governments set up, but had no power over the radicals.

The Reign of Terror 1793-1794 The period in France after King Louis XVI was executed. 30,000-40,000 executed during the 1 year period. 85% were members of the Third Estate. Why is that interesting?

Committee of Public Safety Established April, 1793 Robespierre became the leader in the summer 1793. Decided who was an enemy of the republic. People were tried and often guillotined the same day Did it really keep people safe?

Who was Robespierre? Governed France as a dictator Many were executed for minor crimes People started realizing that nobody was safe. He was executed by guillotine in 1794 = ending the Reign of Terror.