Aghast Stupefied Goad In Vain Spontaneously


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Presentation transcript:

Aghast Stupefied Goad In Vain Spontaneously Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin. Grade 7 and 8 PLACE ANY LATE HOMEWORK ON YOUR DESK. Place any supplies on your desk (paper and/or pencils). Copy the following five words, then, write the definitions of each: Aghast Stupefied Goad In Vain Spontaneously

Vocabulary Sheet 1 Aghast: horrified Stupefied: confused Goad: To whip or annoy into doing something In Vain: with no purpose Spontaneously: suddenly

Agenda (Monday, 8/20) Standard: RL1: Finding key details Objective: Students will practice using the Annotation Sheet for Achieve 3000 Warm-Up: Vocabulary Review Whole Group: Discuss Homework (1-2) Review Annotating Text and Theme: Discuss answers to annotations for “Aesop’s Fables” Using the Achieve 3000 sheet for annotation CHAMPS for Independent Work and Independent Reading Work Period: Finish reading “Bird Brains? Not These Birds!” (Ahieve 3000 article) and annotating. Independent Reading (check out books)

Homework Due 8/24



Technology Sheet Annotating Achieve 3000







Work Period Practice Annotating Text and Theme with Aesop’s Fables Independent Reading CHAMPS C: 0 (no talking) H: Whisper ask a neighbor, then back to work. If neighbor can’t help, raise hand to ask teacher. A: Complete annotating text with Aesop’s Fables M: Stay in seat (you may sharpen pencil, get tissue) P: Independent

Closing What does theme mean?