“It was on a Monday”
New Life in the New Testament Conversion Stories in Acts *Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:27-39) *Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9; 22) *Cornelius (Acts 10) *Lydia (Acts 16:14-15) *The Philippian jailer (Acts 16:25-34)
Are you saved? Are you being saved? Will you be saved?
Soteriology Justification not separated from sanctification Imputed righteousness But also imparted righteousness God’s initiative/ Human response I Corinthians 9:24-27 Hebrews 12:1
Salvation Does Not End in Conversion Conversion is beginning “Work out your salvation” Philippians 2:12 Humble striving “Work,” “Walk,” “Run, “Fight,” “Be Alert,” “Submit,” “Be Obedient” Peter John, “to live in the Holy Spirit a person has to fight temptation all the way.”
Spener: New Life in Christ God ignites faith in the heart. New birth is given in baptism and justification. The work of the Holy Spirit creates an entirely new person who has an inner impulse toward good. (regeneration)
Order of Grace – Wiberg Call Conversion Growth A Gracious Pilgrimage
Connection with Atonement God reconciles us to Himself By actually changing us At-one-ment actually lived out We become people reconciled to God
Describing New Life “Walking with a friend.” “Re-enacting the life of Christ” “Practicing the presence of Christ” “A Christ-centered life” “Little Christs”
Living Toward Grace Forgive us… as we forgive…
Beyond “Personal” Salvation Scripture’s overarching narrative of God’s establishment of His kingdom Israel The Church The Kingdom of God Jesus came to create a community of people who love and serve God and others.