1 Executive Transitions Paul Clarke Nonprofit Resource Center 4 Series 2011
2 Were small… do we really need a Plan? YES! When? Now. SOURCE: big
3 Why Plan Transitions? Poor Planning = Higher Cost Unplanned = Interruption No Plans = Lost revenue
4 3 Kinds of Succession Planning Emergency Strategic Leader Development Departure-Defined Succession Planning
5 Emergency Who steps in? Which duties taken? Have plan in place
6 Strategic Leader Development Ongoing plan Identifies core competencies Clarifies skills needed Develops existing staff
7 Departure-Defined 1-4 years out Policy in place Backup Plan Transition Plan Job Review Compensation Research
8 Leadership Succession Planning Ongoing Focused Identifies Skills Needed Recruit, Train & Retain Talent
9 Succession Readiness
The Book 10 Managing Executive Transitions: A Guide for Nonprofits by Tim Wolfred Seven Essentials for a Successful Executive Transition
11 Readiness Checklist Plan in place Annual E.D. evaluation by Board Annual Board self-evaluation Management team
12 Readiness Checklist Another person shares E.D. external relationships 3 months Financial Reserve Policies & Procedures Manuals up-to-date Duties assigned for emergency
13 Templates and Guides: Emergency Plan Staff Surveys Board Assessment Stakeholder Interviews Checklist E.D. Legacy Statement Getting Started SOURCE:
Strategic Leadership Development Toolkit 14
15 Transition Tips Prepare ahead Dont rush Have #2 person Hire passion, personality Skills can be learned
16 Ready to Leave? Am I ready to move on? Is it time to leave? Could someone else do this job better? How & When do I tell the board? SOURCE:
17 Transition Tools Managing Executive Transitions Handbook by NeighborWorks. NeighborWorks Executive Transition Guides. CompassPointCompassPoint Executive Transition Monographs. funded in part by the Casey Foundation and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund. Monographs
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