Workplace transport.
Workplace transport. 3 basic principles: 1 ) Safe site (design and activity) 2) Safe vehicle 3) Safe driver
Safe site. By design : Are vehicles and pedestrians segregated? Is there a one way system or safe reversing? Are there blind bends, exits into traffic routes and narrow areas? Are there clearly marked crossing points, signs and barriers? Have you considered the environment? By Activity: Is there a system of ensuring reversing vehicles are not a danger? Are banksmen available and trained? Is there a system of safe areas for parking and unloading? Is there a safe area for drivers to wait? Can you stagger activities to reduce congestion?
Safe vehicle. Is it the most appropriate vehicle? Is it properly maintained? Do you have a record of defects and repairs? Does it have all the appropriate safety equipment?
Safe Driver. Is that driver competent? Are they fit and healthy? Do they drive in a safe manner? Are they monitored?
An example. Is this a safe site?
An example. Safe vehicle?
An example. Safe driver?
An example. Safe driver?
Sources of information HSE workplace transport website: Rider operated lift trucks – safe code of practice (L117) : Use lift trucks safely –operators guide (INDG457) : A guide to Workplace transport Safety: Sit Inspection checklist:
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