Beyond the Higgs wan ahmad tajuddin wan abdullah kumpulan fizik tenaga tinggi jabatan fizik universiti malaya
A Higgs-compatible boson has been observed at the LHC at CERN .
1 Higgs in 1010 events expected Look at possible decay products in event Reconstruct parent mass Look for unaccounted enhancement
mH ~ 125 GeV/c2
Role of the Higgs in particle physics Standard model of particle physics Role of Higgs
Standard Model of particle physics
Problem of mass Interactions described by renormalizable gauge field theories => fermions and intermediary gauge bosons massless Weak interaction short range => massive intermediary gayge bosons
Mass through spontaneous symmetry-breaking [ Electroweak unification] => Higgs field Kibble, Guralnik, Hagen, Englert, Brout, Higgs
A particle acquiring mass as it traverses the Higgs field A Higg particle
Current challenges in particle physics and cosmology Phenomenology of the Standard Model - strong nuclear force - flavours - GUTs Supersymmetry - does it exist? - role in unifying gravity with other forces Dark matter and dark energy
Standard Model of cosmology microwave background radiation
Strong force – quantum chromodynamics fragmentation exotic states
Flavours 3 generations? Leptonic sector – massive neutrinos Weak eigenstates not energy eigenstates Leptonic sector – massive neutrinos - Majorana or Dirac? 3 generations?
CP (charge-parity) violation – matter-antimatter asymmetry
Hierarchy problem supersymmetry? extra dimensions?
Grand Unification - how is QCD unified w electroweak? gauge bosons, leptoquarks proton decay
Supersymmetry Supergravity – unification with gravity Superpartners? GUT Gravity from fields
Theories of everything Extra dimensions Superstrings QCD + EW from curvature
Dark matter – non-baryonic – stable neutrinos? – flavours superparticles? from galaxy rotation; cosmology
Dark energy Accelerated expansion – from supernova measurements
Dark energy what?
Efforts in experimental particle physics by Malaysia Energy frontier CMS @ LHC Intensity frontier COMET @ JPARC Belle II @ SuperKEKB Cosmic frontier
ZEUS High energy electron on proton - ended 2007, data analysis still ongoing electronics – read-out control hadron caloimetry fragmentation – baryons, strange correlations pentaquarks particle production – exlusive, diffractive
Data 2003-2007 MC exclusive Y'
CMS TeV proton on proton - running electromagnetic calorimetry grid jets
Belle II High intensity B factory - operating 2014 drift chamber muon detector Monte Carlo cloud rare events - exclusive
COMET High intensity muon beam - initial stages Monte Carlo flavour-changing muons
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