Chapter 7.4 Managing Emotions
Dealing with Emotions in Positive Ways From whom, what, and where have you learned to express your emotions? How NOT to deal with emotions… Exaggerating for effect Ignoring them Hostility
Dealing with Emotions in Positive Ways Respond to Your Emotions: Ask yourself: What am I really reacting to? Does the intensity of my emotion match the situation? Will the situation matter tomorrow, next week, or next year? Consider the consequences of your action. Use POSITIVE feelings to inspire yourself. Physical Activity Talking to a family member/trusted friend Seek help if negative feeling doesn’t go away.
Managing Difficult Emotions Recognize the emotion Slow, deep breaths and relaxing Compose yourself Analyze the situation Write in a private journal Playing music
Defense Mechanisms Defense Mechanism Mental processes that protect individuals from strong or stressful emotions and situations. COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS?
Defense Mechanisms Repression: Involuntary pushing of unpleasant thoughts out of conscious thought Suppression: Conscious, intentional pushing of unpleasantness from one’s mind Rationalization: Making excuses to explain a situation or behavior rather than directly taking responsibility Regression: Reverting to behaviors more characteristic of an earlier stage of development rather than dealing with the conflict in a mature manner
Defense Mechanisms Compensation: Making up for weaknesses and mistakes through gift-giving, hard work, or extreme effort Projection: Attributing your own feelings or faults to another person or group Idealization: Seeing someone else as perfect, ideal, or more worthy than everyone else Denial: Unconscious lack of acknowledgement of something that is obvious to others
More Ways to Manage Difficult Emotions Handling Fear Overcoming fear requires a strategy. Some fear is healthy/natural Irrational or uncontrollable fear is a problem. Dealing with Guilt Admit mistake and make amends Resolve to being more careful/responsible in the future Is it in YOUR control? Managing Anger Find the underlying source