I’m the consumer product lead at Yelp I’m the consumer product lead at Yelp. Going to start by sharing a few general things about Yelp then will talk a bit about mobile.
great local businesses Why Yelp exists: to connect people with great local businesses Why we exist, why I came to Yelp, it’s what keeps us motivated. When you’re traveling or at home, we want to help you find the best businesses around you. I know that I’ve become a bit of a Yelp snob and always check ratings before I go out, but thanks to Yelp I haven’t had a bad sandwich or piece of pizza outside of an airport in years.
10 million local reviews and counting More than 10 million reviews Business categories Our community is prolific. What brings people to Yelp is our great content. Just passed the 10 million review mark. And we have a great breadth of content across categories. Same breakdown as the businesses most of us visit most often. Review distribution is a reflection of the types of places we all frequent.
Users follow the content 30 million monthly unique visitors And with all this content comes users. Source: Google Analytics
It’s all about community Who’s writing all of these reviews? These guys. They’re the engine of Yelp. Not lightly engaged - heavily engaged. Range of ages, men and women, writing like made and sharing their experiences. So the challenge, then, how to we bring that community-driven experience to mobile to make it a great place for readers and contributors.
1.3M unique visitors from mobile devices January 2010 Yelp Mobile Apps Mobile daily uniques Mobile, General: Optimize for current location, make it easy for people to engage in a light weight way (tips, check-ins, photo uploads). And what we’ve found, then, is that mobile traffic follows the opposite pattern of the site: spikes on weekends. That big spike you see in August is the “Monocle Bump”. 1.3M unique visitors from mobile devices January 2010
Design for Mobile: Highlight the Essentials Clear out the clutter and highlight the essential elements. And make them mobile-friendly. (moving comparison - allows you to pare down to the essentials), make contribution simple, take advantage of the platform
Design for Mobile: Adapt Contribution Review Drafts Photos Quick Tips Design for mobile. Every feature we add, we think, how could this be best optimized for mobile. People want information fast. They don’t want to type. Use current location. Contribution that is both reader and writer friendly. Check-Ins
A Theoretical Mobile Review ZOMG. If ur looking 4 a gr8 burrito in SF, Taqueria is the plce 2 go.
Contribution Design for Mobile Review Drafts Photos Quick Tips Design for mobile. Every feature we add, we think, how could this be best optimized for mobile. People want information fast. They don’t want to type. Use current location. Contribution that is both reader and writer friendly. Check-Ins
Check-Ins, Meet Yelp.com Check-Ins are en vouge at the moment. Lots of reasons for Yelp to add check-in: easy way for people to contribute, it’s social (broadcast to your friends), show info to business owners, and they add A stamp of trust to reviews on yelp.com.
Use the Platform: GPS
Use the Platform: Yelp Monocle Mobile has been a great place to experiment, and take advantage of the innovations in phones. Monocle: Local search is really an ideal use case for AR. The story I hear a lot is some variable of, “I was walking towards my hotel and needed a place to eat…” Use a real person. It’s intuitive, it’s visual, and it’s fun.
Thank You, Monocle Man This may be my favorite moment from Monocle. Here’s a guy who was so excited about a feature in our iPhone application, he had to take a picture of himself using it.
Yelp for iPhone