Essential Question: What is Matter? GSE Standard: S8P1. Obtain, evaluate and communicate information about the structures and properties of matter Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should introduce the essential question and the standard that aligns to the essential question
Is It Matter. Make a list of everything that is matter in the picture Is It Matter? Make a list of everything that is matter in the picture. Explain your reasoning.
Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space (volume) Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should introduce the slide and the students should record the definition of matter on their graphic organizer (linked on the curriculum map)
Mass Mass is the amount of matter in an object The mass of an object is the same no matter where in the universe the object is located The only way to change the mass of an object is to change the amount of matter that makes up the object Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record important information about Mass on their graphic organizer
Volume All matter takes up space. The amount of space taken up, or occupied, by an object is known as the object’s volume Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record important information about Volume on their graphic organizer
DO This! Wu8/24 FINISH Is air matter? CER Claim- 3 pieces of evidence- from yesterdays demonstrations Reasoning- HINT what is the scientific principle that defines what matter is.
EGG In a Bottle Demonstration eriments/egg-in-bottle/
Is It Matter? Anything that has mass and volume. Not Matter Anything that has mass and volume. All living and non living things Solids Liquids Gases It can be measured. Forces- pushes pulls Energy- light, heat, sound Emotions
Is Air Matter? Write a CER paragraph answering the question. If you missed the in class demonstrations use the egg in a bottle experiment on the previous slide as one piece of evidence and try to think of other examples. Claim: Evidence: 3 pieces Reasoning:
What’s the difference between mass and weight? Weight is a measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object. An object’s weight can change depending on its location in the universe. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide
Study Jams: Properties of Matter [Introduces Density] Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should show the short video to introduce the properties of matter. The video introduces the concept of Density which will be discussed in detail in Essential Question 5
How could we change this Lab so that it proves the Law of Conservation of Matter? View the Baking Soda/Vinegar lab video clip Instructional Approach(s): The students should conduct the Law of Conservation of Matter Lab (see the curriculum map) or the teacher can demonstrate the lab. If it is not possible to conduct the lab, show the video clip of a similar lab. After conducting the lab or watching the video, ask the students what they think the Law of Conservation of Matter says and why based on the lab. If students need help drawing conclusions based on the lab, ask “What does Conservation mean?” and use the word conservation to facilitate the conversation
Law of Conservation of Matter [Mass] Matter cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record important information about the Law of Conservation of Matter on their graphic organizer
Law of Conservation of Matter [Mass] 2 Graham Crackers + 1 Marshmallow + 1 chocolate = 1 Smore Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should use the information on the slide to demonstrate the Law of Conservation of Matter All the ingredients are still there, just in a different form.
Law of Conservation of Matter [Mass] Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should use the illustration on the slide to show the Law of Conservation of Matter
The Law of Conservation of Matter will be a constant theme throughout this unit.
Summarizing Strategy: Matter Acrostic Instructional Approach(s): Each student should complete the summarizer. The teacher should use the summarizer to determine the level of student mastery and if differentiation is needed.