Course Integrated Research Dos and Don'ts Louis Nadelson, PhD September 2017
What is course integrated research? Can take many forms: Simulation For class only Authentic Shared in student showcase Publications Conferences
Some Considerations What is the goal of the data collection? What kind of data will be collected? Is the data being collected from humans or animals? What is going to happen with the data? Who will have access to the data? Why is the data being collected? Who is overseeing the data collection?
Dos! Do engage your students in research Do inform your students about research ethics Have your students complete the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research course If the data is going public – complete the CITI Social Behavioral Basic Course If working with animals have your students complete the CITI IACUC Refresher Course
Dos! Do have students develop a proposal for their work – no matter how simple Do have students work in pairs or teams Do anticipate potential issues Do encourage students to share issues that come up in their research Do consider finding ways to collaborate on the research to be part of your scholarship
Don’ts! Don’t keep ethics of research out of your assignments Don’t make projects so big students cannot complete them Don’t ignore the IRB and IACUC requirements Don’t consider publishing if the research required IRB or IACUC approval Don’t let the IRB and IACUC requirements hinder the research process Don’t let data and results become public without proper IRB or IACUC approval
Don’ts! Don’t expect scholarly (publishable) writing from your students Don’t expect sustained student engagement after the course ends Don’t expect students to dedicate substantial time and effort to a project Don’t get discouraged!
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