Root: Crat, Cracy Meaning: Rule Example: autocrat-self rule No Warm-Up Today! Vocabulary Only! -take out a sheet of paper and title it “ Speech Appeals & Strategies” Quiz -after the quiz, get your laptop and open the document you started yesterday called “Battle Speeches” Root: Crat, Cracy Meaning: Rule Example: autocrat-self rule
The Greatest Speech Ever!!! 1940 film the mocks Hitler and Fascism Plot: The character “The Barber” is mistaken for Hynkel (Hitler) and gives a speech the reverses all of Hynkel’s anti-Semitic views and desire to take over the world The Greatest Speech Ever!!! The Greatest Speech Ever!!!!!
Activity Highlight -2 examples of parallelism -1 Anaphora -1 Alliteration -2 examples of figurative language - 1 Appeal to Patriotism, Community/Values, and Destiny
Answer Questions 1-8. -you do need to restate the question in the answer; answers should be at least For questions 4,5,6 just copy and paste what you highlighted