Social Networking
Social Networking A network which allows people to come and interact with each other or a website that enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking Why do we needs Social Networking
Social Networking These are the few reasons: Desire of Community Extension of our circle Real Life connections
Social Networking These are the few reasons: Involvement in more n more activities Freedom of speech Connect and re-connect
Social Networking Advantages
Social Networking These are the few advantages: Brings people together Attracts attention Knowledge Source Business growth
Social Networking Dis-Advantages
Social Networking These are the few dis-advantages: Distraction Health problems Relationship problems Crimes and fakeness
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking Survey Report
Social Networking Question no 1: Some of the wikis and websites relies on user generated content, have you contributed any of these? Males Females You Tube Flicker Google Wikipedia Other Never 8% 58% 51% 33% Sometimes 66% 50% Regularly 25% 83% 16% You Tube Flicker Google Wikipedia Other Never 37% 75% 96% 50% Sometimes 65% 25% 33% Regularly 1% 0% 58% 16%
Social Networking Question no 2: Do you regularly visits any of these Websites? Males Females You Tube Flicker Google Wikipedia Other Never 10% 58% 1% 8% Sometimes 66% 41% 3% Regularly 33% 96% You Tube Flicker Google Wikipedia Other Never 50% 83% 25% 58% Sometimes 49% 8% 33% 16% Regularly 1% 7% 41%
Social Networking Question no 3: Which Social Networking sites do you use? Males Females Facebook Google Hi5 Twitter All of these Answers 41% 25% 0% 9% Facebook Google Hi5 Twitter All of these Answers 41% 33% 8% 16% 25%
Social Networking Question no 4: What is the frequency of you, visiting these websites? Males Females Everyday Once a Week Twice a Week Answers 90% 1% 9% Everyday Once a Week Twice a Week Answers 58% 16% 32%
Social Networking Question no 5: How many hours you spends on Social-Networking Websites? Males Females Less than hour 2-4 hours 5-7 hours More than 7 hours Answers 8% 33% 25% Less than hour 2-4 hours 5-7 hours More than 7 hours Answers 33% 25% 8%
Social Networking Question no 6: What do you mostly uses these websites for? Males Females Social Media Planning Events Dating Online Shopping Answers 100% 16% 0% Social Media Planning Events Dating Online Shopping Answers 66% 0% 16%
Social Networking Yes No Answers 83% 17% Yes No Answers 84% 16% Question no 7: Are your parents aware of your Social-Networking Activities? Males Females Yes No Answers 83% 17% Yes No Answers 84% 16%
Social Networking Question no 8: Why you uses Social – Networking Sites? Males Females To spend time Stay in touch with Friends Online Gamming Study Purposes Answers 58% 66% 41% 50% To spend time Stay in touch with Friends Online Gamming Study Purposes Answers 41% 34% 8% 25%
Social Networking Yes No Answers 99% 1% Yes No Answers 75% 25% Question no 9: Are these websites provides enough opportunities for students to promote themselves and their skills? Males Females Yes No Answers 99% 1% Yes No Answers 75% 25%
Social Networking Yes No Answers 99% 1% Yes No Answers 66% 44% Question no 10: Do you think Social-Networking sites are important? Males Females Yes No Answers 99% 1% Yes No Answers 66% 44%
Social Networking Final verdict: we all loves Social Networking