Home-Grown Butterflies by Deborah Churchman http://www.treasuresresources.com
disappear When objects disappear, you can no longer see them. The sun will disappear behind the clouds. What word mean the opposite of disappear?
protect When you protect something, you keep it from getting hurt or damaged. We need to protect the environment. How can we protect our planet?
harming If you are harming something, you are causing damage to it. Oil spills from ships are harming ocean creatures. What word has the same meaning as harming?
involved When you are involved in a project, you take part in it. Rebecca is involved in planning a show. What projects have you been involved in?
supply A supply of something is the amount that is available. We have a good supply of food in the cupboards. What do people do when their supply of food runs low?
capture If you capture something, you catch and hold it. Sam planned to capture the spider carefully and then take it outdoors. What word has the opposite meaning of capture?
enclosure An enclosure is a structure, such as a fence, that keeps things closed in. We built an enclosure for the chickens. What would make a good enclosure around a playground?