Update on (draft) implementing acts (IA) and delegated acts (DA) ESF Technical Working Group Brussels, 24 March 2015
State of play IA/DA ADOPTED: IA/DA IN THE PIPELINE (ESF relevant): 7 Commission implementing regulations: Regulations (EU) No 184, 215, 288, 821, 964, 1011/2014, 2015/207. Regulation (EU) No 215/2014 has been amended by Regulation (EU) No 1232/2014. 2 Commission delegated regulations: Regulations (EU) No 240 and 480/2014. Amendment of DA 480/2014 (adopted on 13.02.2015) IA/DA IN THE PIPELINE (ESF relevant): 1 IA 4 DA
I. IA in the pipeline and expected timetable IA on the frequency of the reporting of irregularities and the format to be used Discussed at expert group meeting on DA/IA on 1.10.2014 Expected to be submitted to COESIF in Spring 2015 (advisory procedure)
II. DA in the pipeline (1) PPP (1 or 2 delegated acts) additional rules on the replacement of a beneficiary and related responsibilities (empowerment of Art. 63(4) CPR) minimum requirements for the application of Art. 64(1) CPR (empowerment 64(4) CPR) Transmission to EP and Council foreseen in 1st half of 2015 – Fiches discussed in expert group DA/IA on 25.11.2014 and 17.12.2014.
Criteria for determining the cases of irregularity to be reported and the data to be provided (empowerment of Art.122 (2) sub-para 5 CPR): transmission to EP and Council foreseen in 1st half of 2015 – Discussed at expert group on DA/IA on 1.10.2014. DA on irrecoverable amounts : conditions and procedures to determine whether irrecoverable amounts will be reimbursed (empowerment of Art.122 (2) sub-para 5 CPR): transmission to EP and Council foreseen in 1st half of 2015 – Discussed at expert group on DA/IA on 1.10.2014, 25.11.2014, 17.12.2014 and 13.03.2015 II. DA in the pipeline (2)
II. DA in the pipeline (3) Simplified costs options: (empowerment of Art. 14(1) ESF Regulation): requests made by IT and SE (1st batch) and FR (2nd batch) - transmission to EP and Council foreseen in 2nd quarter of 2015 for mature proposals
Useful links on legislation 2014-2020 Basic acts: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/legislation/regulations/ Delegated acts: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/legislation/delegated-acts/ Implementing acts: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/legislation/implementing-acts/ Guidance: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/legislation/guidance/