Welcome to the Riverside Key Club Sixth 2017-2018 Meeting 2/27/2018
“I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions”
Expectations You are NOT in Key Club “just for hours” or “just to put it on your application” We need members who are going to invite others to serve with them at community events. We give back to our school and community, and we don’t “stop” at 40 hours – if this is your plan then please reconsider We need members who are going to team together to represent Riverside and Key Club by stepping up with one another to support activities of every kind Speak up, and follow through. Take initiative and be responsible for keeping up with communications. Most importantly HAVE FUN!
Some upcoming activities Sign up Genius for Recycling at Riverside! See website to help! Partnership with Environmental Club Check out the “Local Opportunities” Link to get out there and find your own new connections! Key Club Website Always has the latest opportunities listed: https://www.lcps.org/Domain/18254 The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) Is hosting multiple events at IHOP!
Our Key Club Website on the Riverside Activities Page always has upcoming opportunities AND the meeting powerpoints
Science Night with Science National Honor Society Location: Selden’s Elementary School TODAY Tuesday February 27th 5:30pm-8:00pm show up early for set up (Pizza at 5:30) Last year we made ice cream and the kids LOVED it! Sign up for this event on the signup genius! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090a4aa9ab22a6f85-seldens
MORE Opportunities!! Humanity First needs donations for their monthly Homeless Shelter dinner on March 1st. They need donations by Feb 28th (tomorrow) to Ms. McNeil's office, see sign up genius to help http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0a4eaeae2aaaf94-hfso6 Friday, March 9 at 7:00 at Riverside HS needs 10 volunteers 6:15 to about 8:00 to assist with applying tattoos to the kids attending, concessions and other tasks, go here to sign up: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4dacaa2e5-steuart Come out to help at the Leesburg Volunteer Fire Dept's Pancake Breakfast 3/24 7a-12pm --> www.SignUpGenius.com/go/4090A4AA9AB22A6F85-leesburg3
Spring was a huge time of opportunity in the community last year! Some upcoming opportunities to look out for: Spring Carnivals at the Elementary Schools Park Clean ups // Stadium Clean ups Sporting events at local Schools Any Spring events at Riverside (other schools/organizations use our facilities and sometimes request help) Keep an eye out for Remind messages/Sign up Geniuses and even if you can’t help, please spread the word and help us to find people to fill slots so that we keep up a great reputation!
How to be in the know! 1. Key Club Website Activities Pages on Riverside Website 2. Remind 101 “@rvhkeyclub” to 81010 or link is on website And the Riverside Key Club Twitter “@rvhskey_club” 3. Come to the meetings! Last Tuesday of every month, they are on the website and will be on school calendar!! 4. Also be sure to share pictures so we can celebrate what members are doing & post it on social media If you are not signed up on Remind, have not seen the website, or haven’t been to a meeting you should reconsider if this is the right club for you. If you are passionate and contributing, you already know these exist!
What we need in order to continue our growth and impact: Key Club Members to be active! Talk with Mrs. P and the officers so we can share the awesome things you are doing out there! Spread the word, be the voice of service here at Riverside! Be proud of your individual activities but also look for ways to work as a group of great individuals! Be proud and work as a team, we are a CLUB for a reason. We can’t do this alone!! You are the future of this club, we can’t be passive we have to be passionate!
NEXT KEY CLUB MEETING: When? March 20th @ 8:15am Where? Auditorium
NEXT MONTH’S MEETING DETAILS Bring a friend to our March meeting to help expand the club and stir more interest in the direction of volunteering! We will have food available at the March meeting Go to the Riverside Key Club twitter page Vote on the poll for what food you would want at the meeting Starting next week, pick up officer applications (for next year) from room 1504 all applications are due March 20th (our next full chapter meeting) and interviews will take place in the beginning of April https://twitter.com/Rvhskey_club/status/968473056225251328
SENIORS: All seniors will be getting a Key Club chord to wear at graduation! If you are graduating this year, please come up here and write down your FULL name