IEEE ISPCE-CN, 6-8 December 2018, Shengzhen/Hong Kong, China General Chair: Harold Hughes Executive Chair: Narisa N. Y. Chu Executive Vice-Chair/ Secretary: Sharon Peng Technical Program Chair: Gary Yip Vice-Chair: James Parker Industry Chairs: Stephen Dukes Nahum Gershon Adrian Hornsby Publicity Chairs: Tom Coughlin William Lumpkins Publication Chair: Wen-Chung Kao Advisors: Adrian David Cheok Tomohiro Hase Conference Coordinator: Charlotte Kobert Presented papers will be printed in: IGIC 2011 Conference Proceedings, IEEE Xplore and Engineering Index; Selected papers for CE Transaction Publication. Executive Committee General Chair: Kim-Fung Tsang, HK Deputy General Chair: Haijun Zhang, PRC George Lau, HK Technical Program Chairs: William Tse, GSMA Kai Liu, PRC SL Mak, HK Finance Chair: CC Lee, HK PSES President: John Allen, US PSES VP of Conferences: Stefan Mozar, AU Publication Chair: Wen-Chung Kao, TW International coordinators: Lawrence Chan, HK George Lau, HK Nancy Leveson, MIT Flore Chiang, TW Mingbo Zhao, PRC Claire Tsai, TW Conference Secretary: Jimmy CH Li, HK Webmaster: Fanny WF Tang, HK Venue: Hong Kong/ Shenzhen, China Sponsor: CMHK Technical Sponsors: IEEE PSES PSES HK Chap PSES TW Chap NTNU, TW SCC, HK IET HK HKIE END, HK CIE, HK DEKRA, TW UL, TW OpenU, HK IEEE 2018 ISPCE-CN IEEE International Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering-Asia 5-7 December, 2018, Hong Kong (5 December 2018)/Shenzhen(6-7 December, 2018), China Paper/PPT submission deadline: 7 October 2018 Monday Call for Paper The conference topics include but not limited to: *5G, NB IoT, safety applications e.g. IoTree *Drones, healthcare, automobiles, toll *artificial intelligence, robotics, stems, V2X, NFC *Mobile communication, transportation, energy efficiency *Public safety, critical communication *Internet of Things, Spectrum Policy *Inherently safer products and equipment *Product Safety services *Training and continuing education *Regulations and standards *Risk management *Workplace product safety *System and Software safety *Human factors *Product Compliance There will be some invited speakers, submitted peer reviewed papers, and tutorials. All the submissions will be peer reviewed for the quality and originality. Please consider submitting your papers before the deadline, which will be announced on the conference website. The conference will be the most important IEEE PSES conference in Asia. 1 Source: