Bedolina Map – 3000 years old
Camuni Rock Map
Babylonian map – 2500+ years old
Ancient Greeks Hipparchus (190-120BC) – latitude / longitude; Eratosthenes (275-195BC) -circumference of earth Hipparchus (190-120BC) – latitude / longitude; stereographic projection Claudius Ptolemy, (AD 90-168) -first world map Reconstruction of Ptolemy’s first world map.
Roman world map – reconstruction AD 43 East (Orient) to top
“T-in-O” map (dark ages)
Al-Idrisi 12th century
12th century Chinese map
The Renaissance (> 1450): Ptolemy’s world is rediscovered
First map showing North America, 1502
Magellan’s circumnavigation of the earth 1519-1522
New National Atlas of France 1833
International Time zones 1878 (based on longitude) by Sanford Fleming Prime meridian set in Greenwich, 1851
The Atlas of Canada
Millionith Maps
Google Mania Earth Browser
Mars Global Surveyor: Mars Orbiter Laser altimeter Planetary mapping: MARS: DEM resolution in the z = 30cm from LiDAR
Invention of printing press by Gutenberg, 1450 (though movable type was developed in China in 1041 by Bi Sheng)
16th century woodcut: Newfoundland
Copper engraving 1596
Early 18th century colour map (hand coloured)
Digital plotting Cyan, Magenta Yellow, BlacK ink-jet printers CMYK digital mapping: RGB (screen) Cyan, Magenta Yellow, BlacK
Digital /( Recreational mapping) 1990s -> Increased access to data, hardware, software, and recreation
Homework Listen to CBC Radio ‘Spark’ episode called Scouts, Apps, Maps -The future of collaborative digital mapping. -What maps can tell us about...well, US! -Mapping Canada's Arctic...with a tricycle. -In an era of GPS directions, do you even know HOW to read a paper map? **Discussion during the next class**