CCS High School Graduation Dress Code If you have any questions, or if this dress code presents a financial hardship for you and/or your family, please see Mrs. LaMarre (D121) or Mrs. Bell (E411).
If you choose pants: Solid black or navy dress slacks (no capris) White, button-down, dress shirt with collar (no polo style shirts), or white blouse Black or navy tie Solid black or navy dress shoes (no tennis shoes, sandals or flip flops!) Navy or black socks
What Not to Wear… Flip flops are not permitted Tie must be black or navy Tennis shoes are not permitted Work boots are not permitted No polo style shirts Pants must be black or navy
If you choose a dress/skirt: Dress or skirt with blouse should not extend below gown or be visible above collar – can be any color Dress or skirt must be no more than 3 inches above the knee Bare legs are permitted or wear hose in the color of your skin White collar (if you received one) should be pinned or sewn onto the neck of the gown Solid black or navy dress shoes (dress sandals and open toes are permitted, but avoid anything difficult to walk in or backless for your safety – no flip flops!)
What Not to Wear… Flip flops are not permitted Dress should not extend above collar of gown Bare legs are permitted or wear hose the color of your skin Flip flops are not permitted Dress should be no more than 3 inches above the knee Spaghetti straps are not permitted Shoes must be black or navy
Graduation Caps/Tassels and Gowns: · Gowns should be neatly pressed · Only approved cords/stoles may be worn · Only the tassel that came with the cap and gown purchased through Jostens may be worn (Decorative tassels, i.e. “Status” tassels with rhinestones, may be purchased, but may not be worn during the graduation ceremony or other senior events) · No decorations may be added to the graduation cap · Gowns should be neatly pressed